In these 18 incredibly fine restaurants you will want to visit at least once!
Restaurants were created so that people can enjoy a meal in a pleasant atmosphere with friends or alone. In these 18 establishments you will forget about the time, as well as all his plans for the day.
It is difficult to imagine the number of impressions, which presents a visit of only one such place. These restaurants are incredibly welcoming, have a beautiful interior, and from their views of the famous sights of unimaginable beauty and landscapes. Spending time in such institutions - a real pleasure! I would gladly have visited all of them!
1. Eagles Eye - Golden, Canada
Photo: Kickinghorseresort
2. Felix - Kowloon, Hong Kong
Photo: Hongkong
3. Different Pointe of View - Phoenix, USA
Photo: Tapatiocliffshilton
4. Adronis - Santorini, Greece
5. 360: The Restaurant at the CN Tower - Ontario, Canada
6. Le Café du Jardin - Eze, France
Photo: Chevredor
7. Sydney Tower Buffet - Sydney, Australia
Photo: Sydneytowerbuffet
8. Hutong - London, England
Photo: Paulwf
9. Topaz - Istanbul, Turkey
Photo: Topazistanbul
10. Al Mahara - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
11. Robert - New York, USA
Photo: Robertnyc
12. La Pergola - Rome, Italy
Photo: Romecavalieri
13. Maiden's Tower - Istanbul, Turkey
14. Kuklos - Leysin, Switzerland
Photo: Myswitzerland
15. The Signature Room at the 95th - Chicago, USA
Photo: Scottthompsonphoto
16. Duck & Waffle - London, England
Photo: duckandwaffle
17. Nautika - Dubrovnik, Croatia
Photo: Nautikarestaurant
18. at.mosphere - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
These fine restaurants around the world striking. I want to visit them all! You'll be in one of these cities, do not miss your chance, be sure to go to a restaurant on this list!
via ofigenno ru
It is difficult to imagine the number of impressions, which presents a visit of only one such place. These restaurants are incredibly welcoming, have a beautiful interior, and from their views of the famous sights of unimaginable beauty and landscapes. Spending time in such institutions - a real pleasure! I would gladly have visited all of them!
1. Eagles Eye - Golden, Canada

Photo: Kickinghorseresort
2. Felix - Kowloon, Hong Kong

Photo: Hongkong
3. Different Pointe of View - Phoenix, USA

Photo: Tapatiocliffshilton
4. Adronis - Santorini, Greece

5. 360: The Restaurant at the CN Tower - Ontario, Canada

6. Le Café du Jardin - Eze, France

Photo: Chevredor
7. Sydney Tower Buffet - Sydney, Australia

Photo: Sydneytowerbuffet
8. Hutong - London, England

Photo: Paulwf
9. Topaz - Istanbul, Turkey

Photo: Topazistanbul
10. Al Mahara - Dubai, United Arab Emirates

11. Robert - New York, USA

Photo: Robertnyc
12. La Pergola - Rome, Italy

Photo: Romecavalieri
13. Maiden's Tower - Istanbul, Turkey

14. Kuklos - Leysin, Switzerland

Photo: Myswitzerland
15. The Signature Room at the 95th - Chicago, USA

Photo: Scottthompsonphoto
16. Duck & Waffle - London, England

Photo: duckandwaffle
17. Nautika - Dubrovnik, Croatia

Photo: Nautikarestaurant
18. at.mosphere - Dubai, United Arab Emirates

These fine restaurants around the world striking. I want to visit them all! You'll be in one of these cities, do not miss your chance, be sure to go to a restaurant on this list!
via ofigenno ru
She was lying on the ground, giving no sign of life ... Look, I did this homeless dog!
15 fresh emotions of people who are doing something for the first time. It is beyond words ...