It weighs 300 kg, and he does not want it to change. Shocking story of the relationship!
Let's start with memories. Have you met people who do not watch her figure? And if you talked ever with people who are afraid of losing your soul mate? This story is just about this "amazing" pair. They live in Houston, Texas. Their names Josh and Betty Jo, but first things first ...
So, Betty Jo. Its maximum weight is 300 kg, but she did not want to stop and continued to eat their favorite fried wings with barbecue sauce. Betty Jo had the usual chubby child, any full worldwide. But in the 13 years of her life changed dramatically. She suffered ... and fell into a deep depression. Betty start seizing their experiences and by the age of 17 when she met her future husband, weighed 180 kg. «I hated myself and wanted to commit suicide», i> - I recognized Betty Jo. But the suicide attempt was unsuccessful. And only after 7 years with a weight of 300 kg Betty Jo she realized that she should think and start a new life.
If you think the story here will make a sharp turn toward a happy ending, then you are greatly mistaken. Think of the husband. Josh never tried to help his wife to lose weight. That's because he loves her for who she is, and is afraid of losing his wife, if she will be slimmer.
Betty Jo almost can not do anything on their own. Josh helps his wife to take a shower and go to the toilet, preparing her food. He also sprinkles powdering the folds of her skin, to avoid any irritation.
Wife still persuaded Josh that she needed to lose weight, and, beating a lot of doctors, they found one that agreed to take the case, Betty Jo. To begin with the woman was alone to lose weight 12 kg, to prove that really wants to lose weight. And she handle it.
With the growth of our heroine, it would have to weigh about 55 kg. Doctors say that to achieve such a result is simply unrealistic, but if you want to Betty Jo will significantly lose weight than prolong his life.
Today, our heroine survived the operation, and weighs 230 kg. But she stopped losing weight on their own. And Josh, preparing a meal, often violates the requirements of physicians, because now even more afraid of losing her husband.
Now this couple continues to live together. Perhaps soon we will know more about them something new. In the meantime, share this story with your friends.
via ofigenno ru
So, Betty Jo. Its maximum weight is 300 kg, but she did not want to stop and continued to eat their favorite fried wings with barbecue sauce. Betty Jo had the usual chubby child, any full worldwide. But in the 13 years of her life changed dramatically. She suffered ... and fell into a deep depression. Betty start seizing their experiences and by the age of 17 when she met her future husband, weighed 180 kg. «I hated myself and wanted to commit suicide», i> - I recognized Betty Jo. But the suicide attempt was unsuccessful. And only after 7 years with a weight of 300 kg Betty Jo she realized that she should think and start a new life.
If you think the story here will make a sharp turn toward a happy ending, then you are greatly mistaken. Think of the husband. Josh never tried to help his wife to lose weight. That's because he loves her for who she is, and is afraid of losing his wife, if she will be slimmer.
Betty Jo almost can not do anything on their own. Josh helps his wife to take a shower and go to the toilet, preparing her food. He also sprinkles powdering the folds of her skin, to avoid any irritation.
Wife still persuaded Josh that she needed to lose weight, and, beating a lot of doctors, they found one that agreed to take the case, Betty Jo. To begin with the woman was alone to lose weight 12 kg, to prove that really wants to lose weight. And she handle it.
With the growth of our heroine, it would have to weigh about 55 kg. Doctors say that to achieve such a result is simply unrealistic, but if you want to Betty Jo will significantly lose weight than prolong his life.
Today, our heroine survived the operation, and weighs 230 kg. But she stopped losing weight on their own. And Josh, preparing a meal, often violates the requirements of physicians, because now even more afraid of losing her husband.
Now this couple continues to live together. Perhaps soon we will know more about them something new. In the meantime, share this story with your friends.
via ofigenno ru
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