Only 25% of all people in the world can see all the colors in this picture. And how much do you counted?
More from the cradle, I clearly remember a rather simple truths that the grass - green, and the sky - blue. But when my parents decided to send me to art school, I was amazed that, it turns out, these colors of the sky and grass we get by mixing a plurality of colors! Do you remember as a child we argued with each other passionately, "But what is green, if it's a lemon!" "Are you color blind, can not you see that this is not the same color?", Not knowing that Different people have different perceptions of the color spectrum.
A striking example of this phenomenon was the sensational dress, which some saw white-gold and the other black and blue. Then everyone began to think that his "blue" for someone will look like green, purple or yellow. In fact, everything depends on the number of special cones (photosensitive receptor) in our eyes.
Prof. Diana Derval (specialist in the field of neuromarketing) has developed a unique test that can show how many of these cones have each of us. It's amazing because even close relatives could see the world very differently!
This test is quite simple. Count how many colors do you see in this picture? See results below.
So, if you see:
Less than 20 colors. You can call dichromate - a man who has only two types of color-sensitive cones in the eye. A quarter of all people in the world see the world that way! Moreover, even your dog - dichromate. Such people prefer to wear black, beige, blue shades.
From 20 to 32 colors. You - trichromats, that is, you have three types of cones in the eye. You're good at recognizing the blue, green and red color gamut. In your wardrobe you can find clothes of different colors, you're good at recognizing them. Under this category falls 50% of the population.
From 33 to 39 colors. Congratulations, you see the world through the eyes of a bumblebee, because he too is a series tetrahromatov. You and your colleagues have four types of cone cells in the eye. It is interesting that the people of this type of annoying yellow color, so they are unlikely to wear this shade. That vision has approximately 25% of the world's population.
More than 39 colors. Yeah, caught! There will not pass feature: the more - the better the results, in this picture of all 39 shades. Moreover, Diana Derval argues that if you look at this picture on the screen, rather than in paper source, gamma decreases until about 35.
By the way, Professor argues that people-tetrahromaty most likely do not understand what is the essence of the dispute about the ill-fated dress. They do not change the color perception of images depending on how the light falls. We are also very interesting to see how many flowers you see in this picture. Share with us your result, considering whether the statistics do not lie.
A striking example of this phenomenon was the sensational dress, which some saw white-gold and the other black and blue. Then everyone began to think that his "blue" for someone will look like green, purple or yellow. In fact, everything depends on the number of special cones (photosensitive receptor) in our eyes.
Prof. Diana Derval (specialist in the field of neuromarketing) has developed a unique test that can show how many of these cones have each of us. It's amazing because even close relatives could see the world very differently!
This test is quite simple. Count how many colors do you see in this picture? See results below.

So, if you see:
Less than 20 colors. You can call dichromate - a man who has only two types of color-sensitive cones in the eye. A quarter of all people in the world see the world that way! Moreover, even your dog - dichromate. Such people prefer to wear black, beige, blue shades.
From 20 to 32 colors. You - trichromats, that is, you have three types of cones in the eye. You're good at recognizing the blue, green and red color gamut. In your wardrobe you can find clothes of different colors, you're good at recognizing them. Under this category falls 50% of the population.
From 33 to 39 colors. Congratulations, you see the world through the eyes of a bumblebee, because he too is a series tetrahromatov. You and your colleagues have four types of cone cells in the eye. It is interesting that the people of this type of annoying yellow color, so they are unlikely to wear this shade. That vision has approximately 25% of the world's population.
More than 39 colors. Yeah, caught! There will not pass feature: the more - the better the results, in this picture of all 39 shades. Moreover, Diana Derval argues that if you look at this picture on the screen, rather than in paper source, gamma decreases until about 35.
By the way, Professor argues that people-tetrahromaty most likely do not understand what is the essence of the dispute about the ill-fated dress. They do not change the color perception of images depending on how the light falls. We are also very interesting to see how many flowers you see in this picture. Share with us your result, considering whether the statistics do not lie.
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