This cheerful boy died just one spoon of seasoning. Shocking story!
Matthew Radar healthy child growing up in the usual four years. He liked to play with their peers, have fun, to explore the mysterious world around us. There was absolutely unproblematic and obedient child, always performing the instructions mom. Paradoxically, but in the end it played a trick on him. Accustomed that small, you can always rely on Matthew, his mother Brianna left their child to play unsupervised in the kitchen. There were no signs of trouble.
Playing in the kitchen and looking out of curiosity to all the kitchen cabinets, Matthew found a container with cinnamon. The smell of spices fascinated the boy, and he decided to eat a little of this product. A moment later, Matthew breath, convulsions ...
Brianna immediately aroused ambulance. Doctors over one and a half hours of fighting for the life of the boy, but the miracle did not happen. Little Matthew was killed at the hands of doctors. The trial ended in a verdict - an accident.
Slightly moving away from tragedy, Brianna Radar decided to inform others about the danger. By analogy with the notorious Ice Bucket Challenge, Brianna organized a "cinnamon challenge» (Cinnamon Challenge). Taking part in the flashmob shall, within minutes to swallow a spoonful of cinnamon complete. And it is important not to drink water, seasoning. Many who decided to test the strength of your body, then breathless, started coughing, sneezing and vomiting, and in some there is even a collapsed lung.
Brianna Radar honestly warns that the challenge is much more dangerous than it seems at first glance. "Such entertainment can cost people's health or life, but many do not understand," - says Brianna. This may seem strange, but a teaspoon of cinnamon - it's pretty strong poison. Adult this dose does not kill, but it is in their own skin will experience all the "charms" of an overdose of seasoning. And always remember that this portion of the child's body can be fatal. And to learn that kitchen condiments, like matches, need to hide away from children.
I want to ask everyone who reads this. Be smart and do not risk their health for a couple of minutes of fame on the Internet. And be sure to remember that in mortal danger may lurk in such innocuous things as kitchen seasoning. Take care of their children, as well as inform their friends. Share this video with your friends - it may save someone's life!
via ofigenno ru
Playing in the kitchen and looking out of curiosity to all the kitchen cabinets, Matthew found a container with cinnamon. The smell of spices fascinated the boy, and he decided to eat a little of this product. A moment later, Matthew breath, convulsions ...

Brianna immediately aroused ambulance. Doctors over one and a half hours of fighting for the life of the boy, but the miracle did not happen. Little Matthew was killed at the hands of doctors. The trial ended in a verdict - an accident.

Slightly moving away from tragedy, Brianna Radar decided to inform others about the danger. By analogy with the notorious Ice Bucket Challenge, Brianna organized a "cinnamon challenge» (Cinnamon Challenge). Taking part in the flashmob shall, within minutes to swallow a spoonful of cinnamon complete. And it is important not to drink water, seasoning. Many who decided to test the strength of your body, then breathless, started coughing, sneezing and vomiting, and in some there is even a collapsed lung.

Brianna Radar honestly warns that the challenge is much more dangerous than it seems at first glance. "Such entertainment can cost people's health or life, but many do not understand," - says Brianna. This may seem strange, but a teaspoon of cinnamon - it's pretty strong poison. Adult this dose does not kill, but it is in their own skin will experience all the "charms" of an overdose of seasoning. And always remember that this portion of the child's body can be fatal. And to learn that kitchen condiments, like matches, need to hide away from children.
I want to ask everyone who reads this. Be smart and do not risk their health for a couple of minutes of fame on the Internet. And be sure to remember that in mortal danger may lurk in such innocuous things as kitchen seasoning. Take care of their children, as well as inform their friends. Share this video with your friends - it may save someone's life!
via ofigenno ru
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