"Every man needs a daddy ... Daddy, not a word." Touching line, dedicated to all fathers.
How much has been said about our beloved mother, but much remains to be said about our dear fathers! Just remember, as a child you hid from the strong arm of the Babai pope. Father more than once helped you in the teenage years and sometimes even allowed you what did not allow the mother. Time passed, his head had more gray hairs, yet you still feel him like a stone wall. You are not afraid of any torrential rain, nor cold, nor storm, because next to you the most important man in the world - your dad.
This video is dedicated to all the fathers present. Every man needs a daddy ... Daddy, not a word.
touching to the heart ... It's just nothing to add. Come to your dad, embrace, and say in his ear a few words of thanks or just Shake strong father's hand. Share this touching videos with their friends.
This video is dedicated to all the fathers present. Every man needs a daddy ... Daddy, not a word.
touching to the heart ... It's just nothing to add. Come to your dad, embrace, and say in his ear a few words of thanks or just Shake strong father's hand. Share this touching videos with their friends.
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