"Being pregnant I did not like ..." Funny story about the girl all the surprises during the period.
It is believed that the pregnancy - this is the best period in the life of every woman. Few says that the passage through the pass expectant mothers. And if someone would call this period something like a nightmare, it will to some extent right. Every woman goes through the pregnancy differently. Some carry it with ease, others in the same way there are many difficulties, and, I agree, almost unreal jogging with obstacles when the belly on the nose, and you constantly have got sick.
This girl took Crimea, Rome and copper pipes. It's like no one else knows except languid joys and expectations in pregnancy, there is still unpleasant moments, which many moms tend to hold back. It is a frank letter to the young mother, who does not like to be pregnant. No, we do not want anyone from anything discourage. Just read it and be ready for anything ...
«anxious waiting i>
One day, when her husband was not at home, I fear as apples. I went to the fridge ... I opened the door, I sat down to get to the bottom shelf where he kept the apples. She took one, but do not stand out. So I simply took unwashed apple in his mouth and crawled on all fours to the couch to have him push off and get up. Cats in horror shied away from me. Always I had a terrible mood, and even belly scratched. To top it off, I gained 30 kg. Friends said: "Nightmare!" It was hard to sit at the table, all the food passed the mouth and fell on his stomach. Sleeping was also very frustrating: either do not lie down on your back or on your side. At night, I get up to the bathroom every 40 minutes. Sometimes cried and dreamed that, at last, a face and a good sleep. I>
I'm still furious, saying that pregnancy - a happy time. It may sound harsh, but I believe that happy in this period there are only women who are a little crazy. A normal person would never be nice to be in a state of discomfort and have thus unattractive appearance (and do not say that pregnant beautiful - is a brazen lie, invented to support the unfortunate "bellied" women who somehow are so fond of the photo shoot ). i>
giving birth, I was afraid of a child i>
I was in the 38th week had elective caesarean. Frankly, I was very afraid to give birth prematurely. The last two weeks before the birth twice woke her husband, and we ran to the hospital in the opposite lane, thinking that I now have to start labor. Strangely, no one scolded me for false contractions. Only the husband after the second such event has ceased to believe me, so when I got up on October 15 and said that today face, he just waved his hand and said: "Well, yes, yes». I>
We went on a scheduled scan to a gynecologist. During the inspection they asked me: "Do not you feel the contractions?" The answer is that the fight feel the past eight months, but nobody believes it, so do not think you feel. I was told: "Go to the 3rd floor, there is your room, delivery will start around 16.00." I liked the room because it was large. Even for a man already had to make the bed. In the room I put on a drip, was told no more snacking and drinking water. They sent my aunt that I was dressed in a ridiculous breech odezhku with bears. I>
I suddenly decided to tell all his friends on the mobile phone, today give birth. Oh, I wish I did not do it ... i>
Around 15:00 they brought me to sign a paper that said that if I die during childbirth, that is to blame. A minute later I was taken to the operating room. Her husband was sent to another room to change into a suit of the surgeon. In the operating room made me an epidural injection in his back, and I no longer feel his feet. Because of the huge belly and I was already three months could not see your feet, and then all was lost sensitivity. A very strange feeling ... The impression that your feet - two huge decks that are separate from the body in a strange position. I>
The little room was filled with people in masks. At some point, one of them leaned over and kissed her. Five minutes passed before I realized that it was my husband. I>
My darling, too, was good ... He ran for the Chamber and filmed everything on camera, while making people smile masked. The doctor came and asked how I felt. She said that awesome. Lying in a room packed with people, polug * Loy - my dream. I>
I started to cut. Nothing felt, and it bothered me. A doctor was worried that my husband photographs everything he sees. As a result, he was asked to sit at the head of the bed. After 5 minutes, I pulled the baby out of me. There was a cry of "Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah." A minute later pulled out of the second. Again the cry ... After 3 minutes, I was given both in funny hats. I looked at them and thought - ah, that's what I was scratched in the stomach, and felt absolutely nothing. I>
We photographed four of the nurse. The children were taken upstairs. I am pleased by the fact that the two sons is 10 Apgar. 10 points - an excellent assessment of the newborn, and it is rare for the Twins. And then they brought me back, and everyone started cheering as if we had just landed on a plane with one engine that drives a drunken stewardess. I was briefly brought to the intensive care unit, where the sheets stuck his pipe with hot air for heating. Five minutes later, already carried in the House, where there were relatives surrounded the bed with two bobblehead. Bobblehead pediatrician examined. Have they forgotten me, then remembered again and began to applaud. I hated it's scary, because I looked sick and did not feel his feet. More strained that moment that I had from under the pajamas could see the catheter and bag of urine. i>
Then people began to come. Who was on our wedding knows how many there are usually people there ... in the hospital visiting hours, you can go whenever you want. If you knew how I was tortured Visitors for those 2 days I lay there. I>
I was in the hands of the cord with a button on which it was necessary to press when sick seam. I pressed on her every 15 minutes, but then the doctors admitted that all this time gave me a placebo - a harmless substance in the form of drugs, do not have medicinal properties and analgesic received no more than once per hour. This, too, I did not like. I>
After the hospital i>
From the hospital was discharged on the 2nd day. Finally, I have to get some sleep ... My husband and I bought a baby monitor, put the kids to sleep in his crib in their room, while they themselves lay down in his bedroom. We did not know that the baby monitor will sit down batteries, and slept through the 3:00 woke up with the sound of the child. After that night we moved to the nursery. Children wake up, I fed one, while her husband change diapers second, then we changed the crumbs. The first 3 months it seemed that the esprit de corps never end. At the same time we were log, which records the time, but who had slept, ate, and peed pokakal. We started to take notes after a confused child and fed the same twice, and the second left hungry. I>
The first 4 months helped us in-law - she was cooking food because I did not have time to even go to the toilet. Surfing the shower were my holiday. And this despite the fact that another day we hired a babysitter. Even if I went out to the store for a moment, then I was afraid that now I was hit by a truck in the hospital can not find my Rh-negative blood, and children left without food. I felt like eating. Somewhere in the fifth month of her husband she decided to show me to a specialist and I was diagnosed with postpartum depression. I>
With every passing month it becomes easier, because you get used to the lack of sleep. When the children turned five months, I went back to work. Continue to feed them at night and in the morning, and at work to pump milk and bring the evening to nurse the next day to feed it to them. Milk I had a lot. This went on for 7, 5 months. Then the kids themselves stopped eating at night, probably because in the evening they began to give porridge. I thought, finally, sleep. But there it was! In infants began to cut teeth. At night, they wake up every hour and cried. We had to go with her husband to the room to take them in his hands, swing to calm and laid back. And so 24 times a night (12 times per kid on average). We tried sleeping together, but it did not work ... The fact that I slept very sensitive, and all the time it seemed that one of the children fell on the floor. I>
Now the heroes of my 2 years. They still sleep does not matter, because not all teeth erupted, but we got used to it. We have our own system - the child of a man, thanks to which we have become better sleep. In spite of everything, I still believe that children - that's fine! Nothing can compare with the feeling when your baby in the park runs to you shouting, "Mom-and-ah!" And is something that you show in a small fist. It decompresses the cam, and in it - dry dog turd. And he's smiling mouth with a few teeth. He is proud to have brought you a piece of shit. And you know, this is happiness! » I>
Only a great desire to have a baby may help her mother to go through all these delights! Children appreciate their mothers. Walk up to him and express my gratitude for what they have endured for you. Share this article with all who are preparing to become parents.
via ofigenno ru
This girl took Crimea, Rome and copper pipes. It's like no one else knows except languid joys and expectations in pregnancy, there is still unpleasant moments, which many moms tend to hold back. It is a frank letter to the young mother, who does not like to be pregnant. No, we do not want anyone from anything discourage. Just read it and be ready for anything ...
«anxious waiting i>
One day, when her husband was not at home, I fear as apples. I went to the fridge ... I opened the door, I sat down to get to the bottom shelf where he kept the apples. She took one, but do not stand out. So I simply took unwashed apple in his mouth and crawled on all fours to the couch to have him push off and get up. Cats in horror shied away from me. Always I had a terrible mood, and even belly scratched. To top it off, I gained 30 kg. Friends said: "Nightmare!" It was hard to sit at the table, all the food passed the mouth and fell on his stomach. Sleeping was also very frustrating: either do not lie down on your back or on your side. At night, I get up to the bathroom every 40 minutes. Sometimes cried and dreamed that, at last, a face and a good sleep. I>
I'm still furious, saying that pregnancy - a happy time. It may sound harsh, but I believe that happy in this period there are only women who are a little crazy. A normal person would never be nice to be in a state of discomfort and have thus unattractive appearance (and do not say that pregnant beautiful - is a brazen lie, invented to support the unfortunate "bellied" women who somehow are so fond of the photo shoot ). i>

giving birth, I was afraid of a child i>
I was in the 38th week had elective caesarean. Frankly, I was very afraid to give birth prematurely. The last two weeks before the birth twice woke her husband, and we ran to the hospital in the opposite lane, thinking that I now have to start labor. Strangely, no one scolded me for false contractions. Only the husband after the second such event has ceased to believe me, so when I got up on October 15 and said that today face, he just waved his hand and said: "Well, yes, yes». I>
We went on a scheduled scan to a gynecologist. During the inspection they asked me: "Do not you feel the contractions?" The answer is that the fight feel the past eight months, but nobody believes it, so do not think you feel. I was told: "Go to the 3rd floor, there is your room, delivery will start around 16.00." I liked the room because it was large. Even for a man already had to make the bed. In the room I put on a drip, was told no more snacking and drinking water. They sent my aunt that I was dressed in a ridiculous breech odezhku with bears. I>

I suddenly decided to tell all his friends on the mobile phone, today give birth. Oh, I wish I did not do it ... i>
Around 15:00 they brought me to sign a paper that said that if I die during childbirth, that is to blame. A minute later I was taken to the operating room. Her husband was sent to another room to change into a suit of the surgeon. In the operating room made me an epidural injection in his back, and I no longer feel his feet. Because of the huge belly and I was already three months could not see your feet, and then all was lost sensitivity. A very strange feeling ... The impression that your feet - two huge decks that are separate from the body in a strange position. I>
The little room was filled with people in masks. At some point, one of them leaned over and kissed her. Five minutes passed before I realized that it was my husband. I>
My darling, too, was good ... He ran for the Chamber and filmed everything on camera, while making people smile masked. The doctor came and asked how I felt. She said that awesome. Lying in a room packed with people, polug * Loy - my dream. I>
I started to cut. Nothing felt, and it bothered me. A doctor was worried that my husband photographs everything he sees. As a result, he was asked to sit at the head of the bed. After 5 minutes, I pulled the baby out of me. There was a cry of "Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah." A minute later pulled out of the second. Again the cry ... After 3 minutes, I was given both in funny hats. I looked at them and thought - ah, that's what I was scratched in the stomach, and felt absolutely nothing. I>

We photographed four of the nurse. The children were taken upstairs. I am pleased by the fact that the two sons is 10 Apgar. 10 points - an excellent assessment of the newborn, and it is rare for the Twins. And then they brought me back, and everyone started cheering as if we had just landed on a plane with one engine that drives a drunken stewardess. I was briefly brought to the intensive care unit, where the sheets stuck his pipe with hot air for heating. Five minutes later, already carried in the House, where there were relatives surrounded the bed with two bobblehead. Bobblehead pediatrician examined. Have they forgotten me, then remembered again and began to applaud. I hated it's scary, because I looked sick and did not feel his feet. More strained that moment that I had from under the pajamas could see the catheter and bag of urine. i>
Then people began to come. Who was on our wedding knows how many there are usually people there ... in the hospital visiting hours, you can go whenever you want. If you knew how I was tortured Visitors for those 2 days I lay there. I>
I was in the hands of the cord with a button on which it was necessary to press when sick seam. I pressed on her every 15 minutes, but then the doctors admitted that all this time gave me a placebo - a harmless substance in the form of drugs, do not have medicinal properties and analgesic received no more than once per hour. This, too, I did not like. I>
After the hospital i>
From the hospital was discharged on the 2nd day. Finally, I have to get some sleep ... My husband and I bought a baby monitor, put the kids to sleep in his crib in their room, while they themselves lay down in his bedroom. We did not know that the baby monitor will sit down batteries, and slept through the 3:00 woke up with the sound of the child. After that night we moved to the nursery. Children wake up, I fed one, while her husband change diapers second, then we changed the crumbs. The first 3 months it seemed that the esprit de corps never end. At the same time we were log, which records the time, but who had slept, ate, and peed pokakal. We started to take notes after a confused child and fed the same twice, and the second left hungry. I>
The first 4 months helped us in-law - she was cooking food because I did not have time to even go to the toilet. Surfing the shower were my holiday. And this despite the fact that another day we hired a babysitter. Even if I went out to the store for a moment, then I was afraid that now I was hit by a truck in the hospital can not find my Rh-negative blood, and children left without food. I felt like eating. Somewhere in the fifth month of her husband she decided to show me to a specialist and I was diagnosed with postpartum depression. I>

With every passing month it becomes easier, because you get used to the lack of sleep. When the children turned five months, I went back to work. Continue to feed them at night and in the morning, and at work to pump milk and bring the evening to nurse the next day to feed it to them. Milk I had a lot. This went on for 7, 5 months. Then the kids themselves stopped eating at night, probably because in the evening they began to give porridge. I thought, finally, sleep. But there it was! In infants began to cut teeth. At night, they wake up every hour and cried. We had to go with her husband to the room to take them in his hands, swing to calm and laid back. And so 24 times a night (12 times per kid on average). We tried sleeping together, but it did not work ... The fact that I slept very sensitive, and all the time it seemed that one of the children fell on the floor. I>
Now the heroes of my 2 years. They still sleep does not matter, because not all teeth erupted, but we got used to it. We have our own system - the child of a man, thanks to which we have become better sleep. In spite of everything, I still believe that children - that's fine! Nothing can compare with the feeling when your baby in the park runs to you shouting, "Mom-and-ah!" And is something that you show in a small fist. It decompresses the cam, and in it - dry dog turd. And he's smiling mouth with a few teeth. He is proud to have brought you a piece of shit. And you know, this is happiness! » I>
Only a great desire to have a baby may help her mother to go through all these delights! Children appreciate their mothers. Walk up to him and express my gratitude for what they have endured for you. Share this article with all who are preparing to become parents.
via ofigenno ru
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