Koreans have created a battery that can be printed on 3D-printer
Korean researchers have created a printable solid battery which does not require the infusion of electrolyte solution in batteries and the use of separation membranes.
To remove this element from the battery design, they created solid electrolytes that are able to pack the electrodes and operate in the same manner as the aforementioned membrane. Electrodes made of printable liquid solution and harden under ultraviolet light.
The separation membrane in conventional batteries to prevent short circuit between electrodes of different polarities, necessary to provide high ionic conductivity of the electrolyte supply in the interelectrode space and prevents the transfer of electrolyte from one electrode to another.
New batteries are different good time work and 90% retain the capacity after 30 charge cycles. At the moment these figures are not big enough, but the researchers plan to fix this by changing the thickness of the battery, or by increasing the printing area.
In the future, the research team will develop a battery that can be printed on clothing. It is expected that printed battery will come to market in the next 3-5 years.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/260220/