Five things that can be printed on 3D-printer. Part №3: the first book printed on 3D-printer?
We continue our series of articles in which the owners of 3D-printers tell and show what interesting things can be printed on these gadgets. Today we are, so to speak, we will re-invent the printing press and photography. Of course, the laurels Gutenberg Niepce and we do not claim, but it is able to print on the printer's famous Mona Lisa, or our wonderful children's book & quot; Простая Science & quot ;. It remains only to add that the author of this guide is a student from Volgograd Michael Kozenko, which according to the drawings of the Internet has created the 3D-printer "Volgobot."
name of the author of the project: Michael Kozenko
The model name of the printer: VolgoBot (on site assembly)
Software: Lithophanes
The cost of the printer: 33 thousand rubles
Approximate weight: 8 kg
Approximate dimensions: 480h520h480
The main advantages of the printer according to the author:
the printer is very flexible and easy to use. despite the fact that it has managed to build only 33 thousand rubles, it is capable of producing print quality as the more expensive printers.
The main disadvantages:
printer homemade, and some things have not guessed yet, so you have to redo it.
The amount of time spent on printing: 5:00
The number of spent material: 20 grams
The financial cost of the material: 30 rubles
Michael Kozenko - a student from Volgograd, about which we already wrote . He is famous for having collected (that is collected, rather than invented) own 3D-printer, gradually perfecting every detail of the mechanism. Today, for it literally fighting several leading technical universities in Russia, was invited to their conferences as an expert. His life changed abruptly just a few months. And all this I am signing with one goal: we all have an equal chance of success, and the only thing that can prevent - is ourselves.
At its 3D-printer Misha prints not only trinkets and souvenirs for classmates, but also more useful things. For example, fine art, photography and even books. For example, «Простая Science »- one of the first Russian books printed on 3D-printer.
Typically, 3D-printer working on the technology FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling, layering method fusing), allow you to print monochrome model. But they can create and present photos / pictures, or even book covers! To do this, you need to prepare a special 3D-model (it can be done in many 3D-editors). For example, for those people who do not have special skills to work with such programs, there is a free and convenient enough Lithophanes . She has a simple interface, so the development will not take more than 5-10 minutes. The program creates a STL-файл, which then only need to print.
Not so long ago I found on thingiverse.com and printed on your 3D-printer black and white image of the Mona Lisa. Many friends asked them to do something similar, but with their images. More often - drawings, paintings, and, of course, photographs.
So I had to learn to make such models. As guinea pigs made the book "Simple Science", to be precise - that the third volume of the series! We compare the "original" with 3D-layout, ready to print:
The method is simple as all genius. On the Internet, you can easily find and download Lithophanes , I went to the Anglo-Spanish version.
Here's what it looks like the program interface:
Then everything is even simpler: select the desired image and open it in the program:
We even have the opportunity to choose the "proportion" of our final image:
After manipulation, we create a negative image of this (remember: we have a printer prints one color). Then move to the mode 3D.
The generated file should look like as shown below. Do not forget about the size and layers and save the file in the format of .STL.
I chased the resulting file through NetFabb , fixed a bug with frame our lithography and sent to print! Nothing is simpler and can not come up with! And the result will please and warm - especially those who have no home of 3D-printers and for whom this technology is something distant. In short, for my classmates like a souvenir - it. +10 +20 Popularity and attention from classmates.
About the same principle of creating a model used in lithography on a tree, but there used CNC machines, which is much more serious our domestic "animals».
It turns out that's such a relief plate with a shapeless, to the light it resembles a black-and-white photo.
Near the photograph - printed and original book. In order to save material reduced scale. Happened to meet in the 20 grams that "translates" the money is 30 rubles.
Source: geektimes.ru/company/gtv/blog/248532/

name of the author of the project: Michael Kozenko
The model name of the printer: VolgoBot (on site assembly)
Software: Lithophanes
The cost of the printer: 33 thousand rubles
Approximate weight: 8 kg
Approximate dimensions: 480h520h480
The main advantages of the printer according to the author:
the printer is very flexible and easy to use. despite the fact that it has managed to build only 33 thousand rubles, it is capable of producing print quality as the more expensive printers.
The main disadvantages:
printer homemade, and some things have not guessed yet, so you have to redo it.
The amount of time spent on printing: 5:00
The number of spent material: 20 grams
The financial cost of the material: 30 rubles
Michael Kozenko - a student from Volgograd, about which we already wrote . He is famous for having collected (that is collected, rather than invented) own 3D-printer, gradually perfecting every detail of the mechanism. Today, for it literally fighting several leading technical universities in Russia, was invited to their conferences as an expert. His life changed abruptly just a few months. And all this I am signing with one goal: we all have an equal chance of success, and the only thing that can prevent - is ourselves.
At its 3D-printer Misha prints not only trinkets and souvenirs for classmates, but also more useful things. For example, fine art, photography and even books. For example, «Простая Science »- one of the first Russian books printed on 3D-printer.
Typically, 3D-printer working on the technology FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling, layering method fusing), allow you to print monochrome model. But they can create and present photos / pictures, or even book covers! To do this, you need to prepare a special 3D-model (it can be done in many 3D-editors). For example, for those people who do not have special skills to work with such programs, there is a free and convenient enough Lithophanes . She has a simple interface, so the development will not take more than 5-10 minutes. The program creates a STL-файл, which then only need to print.
Not so long ago I found on thingiverse.com and printed on your 3D-printer black and white image of the Mona Lisa. Many friends asked them to do something similar, but with their images. More often - drawings, paintings, and, of course, photographs.

So I had to learn to make such models. As guinea pigs made the book "Simple Science", to be precise - that the third volume of the series! We compare the "original" with 3D-layout, ready to print:

The method is simple as all genius. On the Internet, you can easily find and download Lithophanes , I went to the Anglo-Spanish version.
Here's what it looks like the program interface:

Then everything is even simpler: select the desired image and open it in the program:

We even have the opportunity to choose the "proportion" of our final image:

After manipulation, we create a negative image of this (remember: we have a printer prints one color). Then move to the mode 3D.

The generated file should look like as shown below. Do not forget about the size and layers and save the file in the format of .STL.

I chased the resulting file through NetFabb , fixed a bug with frame our lithography and sent to print! Nothing is simpler and can not come up with! And the result will please and warm - especially those who have no home of 3D-printers and for whom this technology is something distant. In short, for my classmates like a souvenir - it. +10 +20 Popularity and attention from classmates.
About the same principle of creating a model used in lithography on a tree, but there used CNC machines, which is much more serious our domestic "animals».
It turns out that's such a relief plate with a shapeless, to the light it resembles a black-and-white photo.

Near the photograph - printed and original book. In order to save material reduced scale. Happened to meet in the 20 grams that "translates" the money is 30 rubles.

Source: geektimes.ru/company/gtv/blog/248532/
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