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10 most unexpected pieces that can be printed on 3D-printer

The future is now: if you can not buy something, you can just print.

3D-printer - one of the most revolutionary technologies of the past five years. Now you can use it to print everything, the main thing to have the right ingredients. Even today, 3D-printer becomes an integral part of science and technology, well, tomorrow it will be in every home.

Website is a compilation of the most unexpected things that can be printed on 3D-printer.


© feeldesain.com

All these goodies can kilograms printed on 3D-printers in two versions: white and color. Sweetie, you can give a taste of vanilla, mint, sour apple, cherry and even watermelon.

Rooms and doma

© digital-grotesque.com

Designers Michael and Benjamin Dillenburger Ansmeyer printed room 16 m2 of fine sand. The room was created in the style of the scenery for the film "Alien" and has no corners.

3D-printer Contour Crafting print entire buildings. © contourcrafting.org

Berok Koshevis professor at the University of Southern California made a huge 3D-printer for printing houses.

So it looks relatively human. © contourcrafting.org

This printer can print a box of a standard house for 20 hours load-bearing walls, partitions, communications and roof. On leaving the house remains only to insert windows and doors.

Three colleagues of Professor confidently stand on the beam, printed on a three-dimensional printer. © contourcrafting.org


© emergingobjects.com

Company Emerging Objects creates design furniture futuristic form with help of 3D-printing. Bench in the photo is made from a mixture of cement, concrete and compacted plastic, which makes it a super-tough.

Saltygloo - unusual lamps, printed from the natural salt.

© emergingobjects.com


© designboom.com

California-based company has developed a series of Signal Snowboards Snowboards printed on 3D-printer. Board consists of several parts, and its edges are slightly bent upwards - for maneuverability.


© cubify.com

Dutch designer Janne Kuttanen published a collection of women's shoes and sketches posted on their website - they can download and print at home for six or seven hours.

© behance.net

Designer Paul Podsednikova for its 3D-collection technology used vacuum forming.

Musical instrumenty

© odd.org.nz

Professor Olaf Didzhel New Zealand has created a line of so-called ODD-guitars.

Didzhel says: "3D-printing technology makes possible the production of impossible shapes. For example, one of my guitars has the shape of cobwebs with spiders crawling inside ».

© Rick English

Scott Summit opened the world's first full acoustic guitar, which, according to him, even better guitars, hand-picked.

© screenshot Video TED conference in Amsterdam

Famous violinist Joanna Wronki invited to test an "artificial" violin. It turned out that the sound of this instrument a dry weight - more, but a violin printed on 3D-printer.


© thelasergirls.tumblr.com

Creative Nails - a new project of Sarah Awad and Demer Ford. There are such 21, 76 euros and you can buy them over the internet.

Mirror fotoapparat

© leomarius.com

Author of the idea and production technology "reflex" - Leo Marius. Now anyone who has a 3D-printer, can download, print and assemble the camera - about 15 hours. Materials will cost $ 30.

But pictures taken with this camera:

© leomarius.com


Creation of the American company Korecologic © korecologic.com

All 50 parts Urbee 2 printed on 3D-printer. The streamlined body significantly reduces fuel consumption. So, in 2015, the creators of the hybrid are going to pass more than 4000 km, and spend only 38 liters of fuel.

Urbee 2 accelerates to 112 km / h, and only one electric can travel up to 64 kilometers.

Human organy

© kaiwind.com

Chinese scientists have learned how to print prototypes of human organs, but "live" they are not more than 4 months and deprived of blood vessels. Scientists believe suitable for transplant organs - the question of 15-20 years.


© frippdesign.co.uk

These engineers have developed a prosthetic eye at Manchester University and design studios Tom Fripp. Usually, they are made by hand - it's a long and expensive (£ 3,000). The 3D-printer can print 150 ocular prostheses per hour - worth no more than a hundred for each.

© gizmag.com

Artificial jaw was first published by researchers from the University of Hasselt. Her 83-year-old transplanted patient, after which the woman was able to breathe, speak and chew.

The two-year Emma Lavelle with congenital muscle atrophy. © Manufacturing Engineering magazine

For people with artrogrippozom have developed an exoskeleton, but he was too heavy and not suitable for little Emma. Therefore Engineer Tariq Rahman and designer Whitney Sample made up for it a lightweight exoskeleton with the help of 3D-printers.

© Manufacturing Engineering magazine

The exoskeleton is growing along with Emma - it is possible to replace part of the growth of girls. She is now 6 years, and it makes all the same thing as the older sister of her health.

Tokyo opened 3D-fotobudka

In Japan, learn to type, chocolate face

via www.adme.ru/japan/v-yaponii-nauchilis-pechatat-shokoladnye-lica-461605/