Facts about Korea
1. Korea - a very safe country. A girl can not be afraid to walk at night on the sleeping area alone.
2. The case of major crimes such as murder, are ranked as unprecedented and weeks of coverage in the local news.
3. The best time to visit Korea - spring, when the cherry blossom and autumn, when the leaves on the trees turn yellow. In the winter is very cold and windy, summer is incredibly hot, humid and rainy.
4. The country is very small, so the civilization penetrated into all its corners. In Korea, it is impossible to get lost.
5. The most popular sport in Korea - baseball. It is played everything from small to large, has a baseball bat almost everyone. A baseball game, especially large ones, are always sold out.
6. On the second place in popularity - golf. It is played by middle-aged men. And reaching elderly Koreans go to the mountains.
7. Go through the mountains - one of the favorite entertainment for the Koreans.
8. 90% of Koreans are short-sighted and had to wear glasses or contact lenses. Points worn since childhood.
9. Absolutely all Koreans use Internet Explorer. On other browsers, they do not suspect, and in fact, most do not even know what a browser is. Korean sites, respectively, are made only under the Explorer, in any other browser, no Korean website will not work correctly.
10. Many Koreans to open Google, first open naver.com (Korean search engine and it's not only the system), drive in to the search for "Google" in Korean, and then click on the link.
11. The Koreans are very fond of coffee and coffee here at every step. After lunch or dinner, be sure to drink a cup of coffee.
12. Free internet can always be found: in all establishments, cafes and even in buses.
13. The most hard-working people in the world is the people of South Korea - according to Forbes.
14. Domestic Product in Korea is very supportive, so many imported goods, such as toothpaste, chewing gum, pads, chips and so on. E., Is not found.
15. Agriculture - one of the most important sectors of the economy.
16. dental services are very expensive, so all Koreans carefully monitor the dental hygiene. They brush their teeth after every meal and coffee, often have a toothbrush in a bag, and some establishments can be found free on the toilet brush.
17. Education assigned perhaps the most important role in the life of any Korean. Koreans are learning from early morning until late at night, regardless of the day of the week, and use the holidays for additional courses or self-study.
18. no such thing as a vacation in Korea is not. There are a few days, usually at the beginning of August, when many workers take time off to relax or to travel abroad.
19. There are two major national holidays: New Year's Eve on the lunar calendar and autumn festival, when Korea did not work for three days. More time on holiday there.
20. Teacher in public schools can fire unless the president himself. This profession is highly respected and highly paid.
21. The Koreans are overweight are very rare.
22. Korean women take good care of skin and hair, and use a huge amount of cosmetics and cosmetic products. Without makeup Korean women do not go out into the street.
23. For all the cleanliness of the streets in Korea is very difficult to find an urn for rubbish.
24. All Koreans sing well and, therefore, are very fond of karaoke. (I doubt it))))
25. Cell phones are at all, even the homeless.
26. Any phone can take "credit" for two years.
27. In Korea, the height of the shopping begins after 7-8 pm and in some areas continues until late at night.
28. When is the first night of the new year, all South Koreans hide their shoes. They believe that at this time the spirit comes and tries all the shoes that he will get. If the spirit will pick up a pair of shoes to your liking, he takes it himself. It is believed that in such a case the owner of the shoe will fail throughout the year.
29. All the guys to a man obliged to undergo military service, unless it is invalid.
30. In Korea reigns cult of food. Instead of "how are you?" Koreans are asking, "Is it good to eat?».
31. Eat Koreans are very many and varied. To the table are obligatory kimchi and other snacks. Lunch is rarely limited to just one dish.
32. About every Korean meal every Korean will tell you that it is incredibly good for your health.
33. In Korea, dairy products - chic.
34. The Koreans are very generous and helpful people. They will want to pay for your dinner and never denied help.
35. In Korea accepted greet Wachter, bus drivers and cleaners, in general, all. You show respect to elders, and even whom he works, whatever.
36. In the elevator there is no high-rise buildings the fourth floor (the word "meat" - "four" sounds as "death"), so it is usually denoted by the letter «F» for the third or fourth floor immediately follows. Basement denoted by the letter "B».
37. Most of the married Korean women not working, raising children.
38. All the older women look the same: the same short hair, the same clothes, the same hats.
43. What if the weather forecast is never wrong, whether Koreans always carry an umbrella in the bag, but the Koreans can not be taken by surprise by rain.
44. In Korea, floods often occur because showers.
45. Wallet stuffed with any Korean business cards and various cumulative and discount cards and coupons.
46. Koreans listen to mostly Korean music. Western performers listen to what is fashionable.
47. Korean music - it's basically pop music boy band and girl-bands, do not differ from each other.
48. For every song in every musical group has its own dance, which fans know by heart.
49. In Korea, there is no space. There is only a certain area in front of the buildings.
50. In many bars you can not only drink beer, it is necessary to order a beer snacks.
51. Korean TV is advertising, Korean soap operas, comedy shows, a show about the beauty and transfer, which show meal.
52. Guess what actually advertises the Korean advertising, is virtually impossible.
53. In Korea, the left-hand foot traffic - on the Korean tradition of left-hand drive more appropriately. Left side of the Korean customs, is honorable, so Koreans will always try to get around you with your right hand.
54. When meeting Koreans find out first of all ages. This is important for further communication style. If the other party over at least a year, should be addressed to him in a polite manner, be respectful and helpful.
55. Koreans often exhibit a lack of tact by asking personal questions, such as "do you have a boyfriend?" Or "Why are not you married?»
56. In Korea, you can smoke anywhere. Signs prohibiting smoking are often simply ignored.
57. It is rare to see a girl on the street with a cigarette. Smoking girls and very little smoke it only in bars and clubs.
58. On the street, you can drink alcohol. Koreans often hold impromptu picnics and barbecues with alcohol in the most unexpected places.
59. Koreans often laugh without a reason, in response to any phrase and very unfunny joke. They are especially happy when a foreigner speaks Korean.
60. In Korea, almost no one is called by name and does not say "you" or "you". For treatment, there are many special words for every occasion and kinship relations.
Source: www.ckatt.ru
2. The case of major crimes such as murder, are ranked as unprecedented and weeks of coverage in the local news.
3. The best time to visit Korea - spring, when the cherry blossom and autumn, when the leaves on the trees turn yellow. In the winter is very cold and windy, summer is incredibly hot, humid and rainy.
4. The country is very small, so the civilization penetrated into all its corners. In Korea, it is impossible to get lost.

5. The most popular sport in Korea - baseball. It is played everything from small to large, has a baseball bat almost everyone. A baseball game, especially large ones, are always sold out.
6. On the second place in popularity - golf. It is played by middle-aged men. And reaching elderly Koreans go to the mountains.
7. Go through the mountains - one of the favorite entertainment for the Koreans.
8. 90% of Koreans are short-sighted and had to wear glasses or contact lenses. Points worn since childhood.
9. Absolutely all Koreans use Internet Explorer. On other browsers, they do not suspect, and in fact, most do not even know what a browser is. Korean sites, respectively, are made only under the Explorer, in any other browser, no Korean website will not work correctly.

10. Many Koreans to open Google, first open naver.com (Korean search engine and it's not only the system), drive in to the search for "Google" in Korean, and then click on the link.
11. The Koreans are very fond of coffee and coffee here at every step. After lunch or dinner, be sure to drink a cup of coffee.
12. Free internet can always be found: in all establishments, cafes and even in buses.
13. The most hard-working people in the world is the people of South Korea - according to Forbes.
14. Domestic Product in Korea is very supportive, so many imported goods, such as toothpaste, chewing gum, pads, chips and so on. E., Is not found.

15. Agriculture - one of the most important sectors of the economy.
16. dental services are very expensive, so all Koreans carefully monitor the dental hygiene. They brush their teeth after every meal and coffee, often have a toothbrush in a bag, and some establishments can be found free on the toilet brush.
17. Education assigned perhaps the most important role in the life of any Korean. Koreans are learning from early morning until late at night, regardless of the day of the week, and use the holidays for additional courses or self-study.
18. no such thing as a vacation in Korea is not. There are a few days, usually at the beginning of August, when many workers take time off to relax or to travel abroad.
19. There are two major national holidays: New Year's Eve on the lunar calendar and autumn festival, when Korea did not work for three days. More time on holiday there.

20. Teacher in public schools can fire unless the president himself. This profession is highly respected and highly paid.
21. The Koreans are overweight are very rare.
22. Korean women take good care of skin and hair, and use a huge amount of cosmetics and cosmetic products. Without makeup Korean women do not go out into the street.
23. For all the cleanliness of the streets in Korea is very difficult to find an urn for rubbish.
24. All Koreans sing well and, therefore, are very fond of karaoke. (I doubt it))))
25. Cell phones are at all, even the homeless.

26. Any phone can take "credit" for two years.
27. In Korea, the height of the shopping begins after 7-8 pm and in some areas continues until late at night.
28. When is the first night of the new year, all South Koreans hide their shoes. They believe that at this time the spirit comes and tries all the shoes that he will get. If the spirit will pick up a pair of shoes to your liking, he takes it himself. It is believed that in such a case the owner of the shoe will fail throughout the year.
29. All the guys to a man obliged to undergo military service, unless it is invalid.

30. In Korea reigns cult of food. Instead of "how are you?" Koreans are asking, "Is it good to eat?».
31. Eat Koreans are very many and varied. To the table are obligatory kimchi and other snacks. Lunch is rarely limited to just one dish.
32. About every Korean meal every Korean will tell you that it is incredibly good for your health.
33. In Korea, dairy products - chic.
34. The Koreans are very generous and helpful people. They will want to pay for your dinner and never denied help.
35. In Korea accepted greet Wachter, bus drivers and cleaners, in general, all. You show respect to elders, and even whom he works, whatever.
36. In the elevator there is no high-rise buildings the fourth floor (the word "meat" - "four" sounds as "death"), so it is usually denoted by the letter «F» for the third or fourth floor immediately follows. Basement denoted by the letter "B».
37. Most of the married Korean women not working, raising children.
38. All the older women look the same: the same short hair, the same clothes, the same hats.

43. What if the weather forecast is never wrong, whether Koreans always carry an umbrella in the bag, but the Koreans can not be taken by surprise by rain.
44. In Korea, floods often occur because showers.
45. Wallet stuffed with any Korean business cards and various cumulative and discount cards and coupons.
46. Koreans listen to mostly Korean music. Western performers listen to what is fashionable.
47. Korean music - it's basically pop music boy band and girl-bands, do not differ from each other.
48. For every song in every musical group has its own dance, which fans know by heart.
49. In Korea, there is no space. There is only a certain area in front of the buildings.
50. In many bars you can not only drink beer, it is necessary to order a beer snacks.
51. Korean TV is advertising, Korean soap operas, comedy shows, a show about the beauty and transfer, which show meal.
52. Guess what actually advertises the Korean advertising, is virtually impossible.
53. In Korea, the left-hand foot traffic - on the Korean tradition of left-hand drive more appropriately. Left side of the Korean customs, is honorable, so Koreans will always try to get around you with your right hand.
54. When meeting Koreans find out first of all ages. This is important for further communication style. If the other party over at least a year, should be addressed to him in a polite manner, be respectful and helpful.
55. Koreans often exhibit a lack of tact by asking personal questions, such as "do you have a boyfriend?" Or "Why are not you married?»
56. In Korea, you can smoke anywhere. Signs prohibiting smoking are often simply ignored.
57. It is rare to see a girl on the street with a cigarette. Smoking girls and very little smoke it only in bars and clubs.
58. On the street, you can drink alcohol. Koreans often hold impromptu picnics and barbecues with alcohol in the most unexpected places.
59. Koreans often laugh without a reason, in response to any phrase and very unfunny joke. They are especially happy when a foreigner speaks Korean.
60. In Korea, almost no one is called by name and does not say "you" or "you". For treatment, there are many special words for every occasion and kinship relations.

Source: www.ckatt.ru