Eight-year-Zion Harvey became the first child who transplanted brush both hands
Harvey Zion (Zion Harvey) in two years lost both arms and legs as a result of sepsis, and in four years has experienced a kidney transplant from his mother. At the age of eight years, he became the owner of the hands of both hands: in the operation, which lasted forty hours, was attended by forty doctors.
The operation took place in July. Boy learns to manage new hands.
Zion Harvey says that in two years because of blood infection amputated hands and feet. Two years later due to multiple organ failure, he had to go through another operation: a kidney transplant from his mother. Zion walks, runs and jumps on prosthetic legs. Without hands, he learned to work with the tablet, write, eat and play games. New arm will allow him to work out - he wants to play football.
Doctors Children's Hospital of Philadelphia US put the boy in the queue for brushes in April and three months later could провести operation . The doctors made their choice in favor of Zion, because it has already gone through a transplant. Forty physicians - surgeons and nurses - have been working for eleven hours. Surgeons sealed steel bone plates and screws, sewed arteries, veins, muscles, tendons, nerves and skin. Planning transplant took eighteen months.
Zion learns to control his hands: he was moving his fingers and trying to compress items. The boy will have a lifetime to take drugs to suppress the immune system to prevent rejection - but it is already taking these drugs after a kidney transplant. The next few days he will hold to the hospital, where occupational therapists will help him in the development of new limbs.
Until now, the children of this age are not transplanted with both hands. In 2000, the Malaysian-born girl transplanted hand from twin sister who died in childbirth. In 2011, two hands were transplanted to an adult patient in the United States.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/259536/
The operation took place in July. Boy learns to manage new hands.
Zion Harvey says that in two years because of blood infection amputated hands and feet. Two years later due to multiple organ failure, he had to go through another operation: a kidney transplant from his mother. Zion walks, runs and jumps on prosthetic legs. Without hands, he learned to work with the tablet, write, eat and play games. New arm will allow him to work out - he wants to play football.
Doctors Children's Hospital of Philadelphia US put the boy in the queue for brushes in April and three months later could провести operation . The doctors made their choice in favor of Zion, because it has already gone through a transplant. Forty physicians - surgeons and nurses - have been working for eleven hours. Surgeons sealed steel bone plates and screws, sewed arteries, veins, muscles, tendons, nerves and skin. Planning transplant took eighteen months.
Zion learns to control his hands: he was moving his fingers and trying to compress items. The boy will have a lifetime to take drugs to suppress the immune system to prevent rejection - but it is already taking these drugs after a kidney transplant. The next few days he will hold to the hospital, where occupational therapists will help him in the development of new limbs.
Until now, the children of this age are not transplanted with both hands. In 2000, the Malaysian-born girl transplanted hand from twin sister who died in childbirth. In 2011, two hands were transplanted to an adult patient in the United States.

Source: geektimes.ru/post/259536/
Cote, who was able to .... or ...))) ... Even the cat was able to, and you do not.
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