The Philadelphia Experiment
Philadelphia Experiment - one of the most interesting mysteries of the twentieth century gave rise to many of the most contradictory rumors and even improbable.
According to legend, during World War II US military has tried to create a ship invisible to radar and magnetic mines opponent. Using calculations made by Einstein himself on the destroyer "Aldridge" installed special generators.
But during the trial, conducted in October 1943 in one of the docks of Philadelphia, the unexpected happened - the ship, surrounded by bits of powerful electromagnetic fields, not only disappeared from radar screens, but just vanished in the truest sense of the word.
After a while, "Eldridge" materialized again, but in another place and distraught crew on board.
This is the whole history of the lowdown ...
It should be stressed that the presentation of the legend of the Philadelphia experiment, no attempt is made to confirm or deny the accuracy of these events.
October 28, 1943 in the military port of Philadelphia was held so-called "Philadelphia Experiment».
Naval destroyer named DE 173 (better known as the USS Eldridge), stuffed with hundreds of tons of electronic equipment, was in the port docks of Philadelphia, then the experiment was launched. It was supposed to generate enormous electromagnetic field that with the correct configuration were to cause bending of light and radio waves around the destroyer.
So powerful generators included; the ship begins to envelop a greenish fog, then fog began to disappear ... along with a destroyer, but the imprint of the ship on the water stayed. The result was the complete disappearance of the ship. After a few minutes (according to some - a few seconds) the ship reappeared.
But it found something stunning, it appears after the ship disappeared in Philadelphia, it moved to the docks of the port of Norfolk (Virginia), and then moved back to Philadelphia. As a result, most of the sailors began to experiment mentally ill, some people have disappeared and never appeared, but the most terrible and mysterious was that five people were "fused" into the metal casing of the ship! People claimed that fell into another world and watched unknown creatures.
Perhaps as a result of the experiment creates a "gate" to the parallel world! The experiment had a catastrophic impact on the physical and mental state of the people.
Riddle Philadelphia experiment begins with the name of Morris Ketchum Jessup. He was a man with varied interests - astrophysicist, mathematician, writer. He had to deal with different problems, but he never sought public vocation. Jessup ineteresovalsya phenomenon of "flying saucers." After accumulating a certain material, he decided to write a book about it, which was to become the first truly scientific attempt to answer the question - what is a UFO? According to him, the driving force of a UFO is unknown based on our principle of antigravity.
The book "The arguments in favor of the UFO", published in 1955, did not become a bestseller, but it was after its publication Jessup received a strange letter. Its authors are interested in Jessup sections of the book, which spoke of levitation, which could be known to our ancestors. According to the writer, levitation, not only existed, but was once "a well-known process of" the world. The letter was signed by Carlos Miguel Allende. Jessup asked the writer to give details, and now a year later, in 1965, Jessup received a message from Carlos Miguel Allende, but first a slight digression.
If you trust some sources, the foundations of the Philadelphia Experiment project to be found in a very vague and very complicated scientific theory developed by Albert Einstein and known as the Unified Field Theory. In his second epistle Allende wrote that Einstein first published this theory in the years 1925-1927. Moreover, Allende said that Albert Einstein in the publication of his work was guided not so much mathematics as humanistic considerations.
Allende, he claimed, he served in 1943 on the transport ship "Andrew Fyureset" and on board the vessel, which was part of a group monitoring the Philadelphia Experiment, he allegedly perfectly saw melted in the greenish glow "Eldridge" heard the buzz surrounding the destroyer power field and familiar with many of those who watched it all, too.
The most interesting thing in the story of Allende - a description of the effects of the experiment. On returning "out of nowhere" people began after a while to happen incredible things: they seem to fall out of the real course of time (the term "frozen"), there were cases of spontaneous combustion (the term "ignited"), and once the two "frozen" unexpectedly "ignited "and burned for eighteen days (?!), and any rescue efforts could not stop the burning bodies!
There were also other oddities, for example, one of the sailors, "Eldridge" gone forever, having passed through the wall of his apartment in front of his wife and child.
The result of later calculations, which he conducted, angered him. Therefore, we now say that this theory was incomplete.
Dr. B. Russell asserts that the theory is complete. He also says that people are not ready for this and will not be so until the end of the third world war. Dr. Bertrand Russell himself is a well-known writer, philosopher, humanist and pacifist, who was a friend of Einstein.
What is the Unified Field Theory? The meaning of the theory is mainly to using a single management mathematically explain the interaction between three fundamental universal forces - electromagnetism, the force of gravity and nuclear energy. There are suggestions that there is a fourth, a universal weak force associated with the force of gravity in the same way as electricity with magnetism.
It is not known whether this field between the spatial or temporal in nature. If we assume the possibility of a full development of this theory, its final equation must also include a light and radio waves, pure magnetism, X-rays and even matter itself. One can understand the complexity of the problem, if we recall that Einstein often complained that not enough has mathematics to perform this task.
Here's the letter itself:
... "The result" was a complete stealth destroyer-type ships on the sea and his entire team. The magnetic field had a shape of a rotating ellipsoid and extended to 100 meters (more or less depending on the position of the moon and longitude degrees) on both sides of the ship. All who were in the field, had only a vague outline, but perceived all those who were on board the ship, and, moreover, in such a way as if they were or were in the air. Those who have been out of the magnetic field, generally have not seen anything but sharply delineated trace the ship's hull in the water - provided, of course, that they were close enough to the magnetic field, but also outside of it ... Half of the officers and crew of the ship Now completely insane. Some even still contain the relevant institutions, where they will receive expert scientific assistance when they are either "soar", as they call it, or "soar and get stuck." This is the "soaring" - a consequence of too long in a magnetic field.
If a person is "stuck", he is not able to move on their own, if one or two comrades who are close not approach or touch him, because otherwise he would "freeze". Usually "Deep" loses his mind, busnuetsya and is rubbish, if the "freezing" lasted more than one day in our countdown.
I'm talking about the time, but ... "frozen" during the time perceived differently than we do. They remind people who are in a twilight state, who live, breathe, hear and feel, but do not take so much, that if there are only in the next world. They perceive time, not like you or me.
Were very few of the team members who participated in the experiment ... Most lost his mind, one simply disappeared "through" the wall of his apartment in front of his wife and child. Two other members of the team, "ignited", ie they are "frozen" and lit up when the small boat dragged compasses; One carried a compass and caught fire while the other rushed to him to "lay hands", but also caught fire. They burned for 18 days. Belief in the efficacy of the method of laying on of hands was destroyed, started a wholesale madness. The experiment itself was absolutely successful. In the crew he acted fatally. & Quot;
Maurice Jessup investigate, he began to visit the archives, talk to the military, and eventually found a lot of evidence, which gave him the opportunity to express their opinion about the reality of these events as follows:
& quot; ... a very interesting experiment, but terribly dangerous. He's too strong effect on people participating in it. In the experiment, the magnetic generators, so-called "demagnetisers" who worked at the resonant frequencies and created a monstrous field around the ship. In practice, it gave temporary withdrawal from our measurements and could mean a breakthrough space, if only it was possible to keep the process under control! & Quot;
... Perhaps Jessup knew too much, because in 1959, he died under very mysterious, and even overly suspicious circumstances - he was found in his car, choking on exhaust fumes. The investigation came to nothing lead, but, the unanimous opinion of the supporters of the scientist, it was carried out without adequate enthusiasm on the part of the authorities that are likely to have tried to hide from the public some more unsavory facts related to the subject of study Jessup - The Philadelphia Experiment ...
Leaders of the US Navy as it could disown the Philadelphia Experiment, stating that nothing like this in 1943 did not occur. But many researchers did not believe the government. They continued to search for the dead man, in their opinion, Jessup and got some results. For example, there were documents confirming that from 1943 to 1944, Albert Einstein was in the service in the maritime ministry in Washington. Announced witnesses, some of whom personally seen the disappeared "Eldridge", others were holding sheets with calculations made by hand Einstein has a very distinctive handwriting.
Turn up even a newspaper clipping of the time, tells the story of sailors descended from the ship, and melted in the eye of the beholder.
Trying to learn the truth about the Philadelphia experiment, do not stop until now. And from time to time, new tidbits. As a vivid illustration should bring excerpts from taped narrative of American electronics engineer Edom Skilling.
& quot; ... In 1990, my friend Margaret Sandys - tells Skilling - who lives in Palm Beach, Florida, invited me and my friends a visit to Dr. Charles Laysleru, its neighbor to discuss some of the details of the so-called "experiment in Philadelphia" . Carl Laysler - physicist, one of the scientists who worked in 1943 on the project. Laysler told that the scientists, led by the military, wanted to make invisible to radar warship. On board this ship was equipped with a powerful electronic device such as a huge magnetron (magnetron - a generator of ultrashort wave secret during World War II). This device is powered by the electrical machines installed on the ship, which had enough power to provide electricity to a small town. The idea of the experiment was that a very strong electromagnetic field around the ship will serve as a screen for the radar beams. Carl Laysler was on the beach to observe and control the experiment. When the magnetron is earned, the ship disappeared. After a while he reappeared, but all the sailors on board were dead. And some of their corpses into a steel - the material from which the ship was made. During our conversation, Karl Laysler was very upset, it was clear that this sick old man still feels remorse and guilt for the death of the sailors on board "Eldridge". Laysler and his colleagues believe the experiment, if they sent a ship to a different time, and the ship broke up in the molecule, and when there was a reverse process, then there was a partial replacement of the organic molecules in the human body, the metal atoms ... & quot;
... And here's another interesting fact, which came V.Adamenko Russian researcher: in the best-selling book by American scientists Charles Berlitz and William Moore are investigating the Philadelphia event, said that for many years after the incident, the destroyer "Aldridge" was in the US Navy reserve and then the ship was named "Lion" and sold to Greece.
Meanwhile Adamenko was in 1993 in a Greek family, where he met with Greek admiral retired. It turned out that the Admiral is well aware of the Philadelphia experiment and destiny "Eldridge", confirming that the destroyer is one of the ships of the Navy of Greece, but is not called "The Lion", as they say Berlitz and Moore, and "Tiger".
Unique Filadelfiskom truth of the experiment has not been established. The researchers of this mysterious stories have not found the most important - documents. Much could explain logbooks "Eldridge," but strangely disappeared. At least, all requests to the government and the US military official response came: & quot; ... Find, and therefore provide you with is not possible & quot ;. A logbooks escorts "Fyureset" and all were destroyed on orders from above, even though it is contrary to all existing rules.
Could this happen in real life? Yes, this story many gaps. After all, with the Philadelphia experiment linked the names of Einstein and Tesla, whose authority is not questioned. It is believed that Einstein secretly tested his theory of the unified field. And the FBI reportedly questioned the authenticity of the guesswork of Nikola Tesla on the possibility of teleportation.
This is the story of the Philadelphia Experiment, but, unfortunately, it is not official. Fullness she also can not boast, since it has a lot more uncertain. No documents, as already mentioned, it was never to find, as many rumors, you know, this researcher can not meet in any way. So we should try to somehow organize all materials on the event of interest to us in order to begin to deal with this very different methods, and not those over sixty years of existence of mysteries not given little or no results.
based on site wikipedia.org, paranormal-news.ru, nnm.ru, zhaba.ru
According to legend, during World War II US military has tried to create a ship invisible to radar and magnetic mines opponent. Using calculations made by Einstein himself on the destroyer "Aldridge" installed special generators.
But during the trial, conducted in October 1943 in one of the docks of Philadelphia, the unexpected happened - the ship, surrounded by bits of powerful electromagnetic fields, not only disappeared from radar screens, but just vanished in the truest sense of the word.
After a while, "Eldridge" materialized again, but in another place and distraught crew on board.
This is the whole history of the lowdown ...

It should be stressed that the presentation of the legend of the Philadelphia experiment, no attempt is made to confirm or deny the accuracy of these events.
October 28, 1943 in the military port of Philadelphia was held so-called "Philadelphia Experiment».
Naval destroyer named DE 173 (better known as the USS Eldridge), stuffed with hundreds of tons of electronic equipment, was in the port docks of Philadelphia, then the experiment was launched. It was supposed to generate enormous electromagnetic field that with the correct configuration were to cause bending of light and radio waves around the destroyer.

So powerful generators included; the ship begins to envelop a greenish fog, then fog began to disappear ... along with a destroyer, but the imprint of the ship on the water stayed. The result was the complete disappearance of the ship. After a few minutes (according to some - a few seconds) the ship reappeared.
But it found something stunning, it appears after the ship disappeared in Philadelphia, it moved to the docks of the port of Norfolk (Virginia), and then moved back to Philadelphia. As a result, most of the sailors began to experiment mentally ill, some people have disappeared and never appeared, but the most terrible and mysterious was that five people were "fused" into the metal casing of the ship! People claimed that fell into another world and watched unknown creatures.
Perhaps as a result of the experiment creates a "gate" to the parallel world! The experiment had a catastrophic impact on the physical and mental state of the people.

Riddle Philadelphia experiment begins with the name of Morris Ketchum Jessup. He was a man with varied interests - astrophysicist, mathematician, writer. He had to deal with different problems, but he never sought public vocation. Jessup ineteresovalsya phenomenon of "flying saucers." After accumulating a certain material, he decided to write a book about it, which was to become the first truly scientific attempt to answer the question - what is a UFO? According to him, the driving force of a UFO is unknown based on our principle of antigravity.

The book "The arguments in favor of the UFO", published in 1955, did not become a bestseller, but it was after its publication Jessup received a strange letter. Its authors are interested in Jessup sections of the book, which spoke of levitation, which could be known to our ancestors. According to the writer, levitation, not only existed, but was once "a well-known process of" the world. The letter was signed by Carlos Miguel Allende. Jessup asked the writer to give details, and now a year later, in 1965, Jessup received a message from Carlos Miguel Allende, but first a slight digression.

If you trust some sources, the foundations of the Philadelphia Experiment project to be found in a very vague and very complicated scientific theory developed by Albert Einstein and known as the Unified Field Theory. In his second epistle Allende wrote that Einstein first published this theory in the years 1925-1927. Moreover, Allende said that Albert Einstein in the publication of his work was guided not so much mathematics as humanistic considerations.
Allende, he claimed, he served in 1943 on the transport ship "Andrew Fyureset" and on board the vessel, which was part of a group monitoring the Philadelphia Experiment, he allegedly perfectly saw melted in the greenish glow "Eldridge" heard the buzz surrounding the destroyer power field and familiar with many of those who watched it all, too.

The most interesting thing in the story of Allende - a description of the effects of the experiment. On returning "out of nowhere" people began after a while to happen incredible things: they seem to fall out of the real course of time (the term "frozen"), there were cases of spontaneous combustion (the term "ignited"), and once the two "frozen" unexpectedly "ignited "and burned for eighteen days (?!), and any rescue efforts could not stop the burning bodies!
There were also other oddities, for example, one of the sailors, "Eldridge" gone forever, having passed through the wall of his apartment in front of his wife and child.
The result of later calculations, which he conducted, angered him. Therefore, we now say that this theory was incomplete.

Dr. B. Russell asserts that the theory is complete. He also says that people are not ready for this and will not be so until the end of the third world war. Dr. Bertrand Russell himself is a well-known writer, philosopher, humanist and pacifist, who was a friend of Einstein.
What is the Unified Field Theory? The meaning of the theory is mainly to using a single management mathematically explain the interaction between three fundamental universal forces - electromagnetism, the force of gravity and nuclear energy. There are suggestions that there is a fourth, a universal weak force associated with the force of gravity in the same way as electricity with magnetism.
It is not known whether this field between the spatial or temporal in nature. If we assume the possibility of a full development of this theory, its final equation must also include a light and radio waves, pure magnetism, X-rays and even matter itself. One can understand the complexity of the problem, if we recall that Einstein often complained that not enough has mathematics to perform this task.

Here's the letter itself:
... "The result" was a complete stealth destroyer-type ships on the sea and his entire team. The magnetic field had a shape of a rotating ellipsoid and extended to 100 meters (more or less depending on the position of the moon and longitude degrees) on both sides of the ship. All who were in the field, had only a vague outline, but perceived all those who were on board the ship, and, moreover, in such a way as if they were or were in the air. Those who have been out of the magnetic field, generally have not seen anything but sharply delineated trace the ship's hull in the water - provided, of course, that they were close enough to the magnetic field, but also outside of it ... Half of the officers and crew of the ship Now completely insane. Some even still contain the relevant institutions, where they will receive expert scientific assistance when they are either "soar", as they call it, or "soar and get stuck." This is the "soaring" - a consequence of too long in a magnetic field.
If a person is "stuck", he is not able to move on their own, if one or two comrades who are close not approach or touch him, because otherwise he would "freeze". Usually "Deep" loses his mind, busnuetsya and is rubbish, if the "freezing" lasted more than one day in our countdown.
I'm talking about the time, but ... "frozen" during the time perceived differently than we do. They remind people who are in a twilight state, who live, breathe, hear and feel, but do not take so much, that if there are only in the next world. They perceive time, not like you or me.
Were very few of the team members who participated in the experiment ... Most lost his mind, one simply disappeared "through" the wall of his apartment in front of his wife and child. Two other members of the team, "ignited", ie they are "frozen" and lit up when the small boat dragged compasses; One carried a compass and caught fire while the other rushed to him to "lay hands", but also caught fire. They burned for 18 days. Belief in the efficacy of the method of laying on of hands was destroyed, started a wholesale madness. The experiment itself was absolutely successful. In the crew he acted fatally. & Quot;

Maurice Jessup investigate, he began to visit the archives, talk to the military, and eventually found a lot of evidence, which gave him the opportunity to express their opinion about the reality of these events as follows:
& quot; ... a very interesting experiment, but terribly dangerous. He's too strong effect on people participating in it. In the experiment, the magnetic generators, so-called "demagnetisers" who worked at the resonant frequencies and created a monstrous field around the ship. In practice, it gave temporary withdrawal from our measurements and could mean a breakthrough space, if only it was possible to keep the process under control! & Quot;

... Perhaps Jessup knew too much, because in 1959, he died under very mysterious, and even overly suspicious circumstances - he was found in his car, choking on exhaust fumes. The investigation came to nothing lead, but, the unanimous opinion of the supporters of the scientist, it was carried out without adequate enthusiasm on the part of the authorities that are likely to have tried to hide from the public some more unsavory facts related to the subject of study Jessup - The Philadelphia Experiment ...
Leaders of the US Navy as it could disown the Philadelphia Experiment, stating that nothing like this in 1943 did not occur. But many researchers did not believe the government. They continued to search for the dead man, in their opinion, Jessup and got some results. For example, there were documents confirming that from 1943 to 1944, Albert Einstein was in the service in the maritime ministry in Washington. Announced witnesses, some of whom personally seen the disappeared "Eldridge", others were holding sheets with calculations made by hand Einstein has a very distinctive handwriting.
Turn up even a newspaper clipping of the time, tells the story of sailors descended from the ship, and melted in the eye of the beholder.

Trying to learn the truth about the Philadelphia experiment, do not stop until now. And from time to time, new tidbits. As a vivid illustration should bring excerpts from taped narrative of American electronics engineer Edom Skilling.
& quot; ... In 1990, my friend Margaret Sandys - tells Skilling - who lives in Palm Beach, Florida, invited me and my friends a visit to Dr. Charles Laysleru, its neighbor to discuss some of the details of the so-called "experiment in Philadelphia" . Carl Laysler - physicist, one of the scientists who worked in 1943 on the project. Laysler told that the scientists, led by the military, wanted to make invisible to radar warship. On board this ship was equipped with a powerful electronic device such as a huge magnetron (magnetron - a generator of ultrashort wave secret during World War II). This device is powered by the electrical machines installed on the ship, which had enough power to provide electricity to a small town. The idea of the experiment was that a very strong electromagnetic field around the ship will serve as a screen for the radar beams. Carl Laysler was on the beach to observe and control the experiment. When the magnetron is earned, the ship disappeared. After a while he reappeared, but all the sailors on board were dead. And some of their corpses into a steel - the material from which the ship was made. During our conversation, Karl Laysler was very upset, it was clear that this sick old man still feels remorse and guilt for the death of the sailors on board "Eldridge". Laysler and his colleagues believe the experiment, if they sent a ship to a different time, and the ship broke up in the molecule, and when there was a reverse process, then there was a partial replacement of the organic molecules in the human body, the metal atoms ... & quot;

... And here's another interesting fact, which came V.Adamenko Russian researcher: in the best-selling book by American scientists Charles Berlitz and William Moore are investigating the Philadelphia event, said that for many years after the incident, the destroyer "Aldridge" was in the US Navy reserve and then the ship was named "Lion" and sold to Greece.
Meanwhile Adamenko was in 1993 in a Greek family, where he met with Greek admiral retired. It turned out that the Admiral is well aware of the Philadelphia experiment and destiny "Eldridge", confirming that the destroyer is one of the ships of the Navy of Greece, but is not called "The Lion", as they say Berlitz and Moore, and "Tiger".

Unique Filadelfiskom truth of the experiment has not been established. The researchers of this mysterious stories have not found the most important - documents. Much could explain logbooks "Eldridge," but strangely disappeared. At least, all requests to the government and the US military official response came: & quot; ... Find, and therefore provide you with is not possible & quot ;. A logbooks escorts "Fyureset" and all were destroyed on orders from above, even though it is contrary to all existing rules.
Could this happen in real life? Yes, this story many gaps. After all, with the Philadelphia experiment linked the names of Einstein and Tesla, whose authority is not questioned. It is believed that Einstein secretly tested his theory of the unified field. And the FBI reportedly questioned the authenticity of the guesswork of Nikola Tesla on the possibility of teleportation.
This is the story of the Philadelphia Experiment, but, unfortunately, it is not official. Fullness she also can not boast, since it has a lot more uncertain. No documents, as already mentioned, it was never to find, as many rumors, you know, this researcher can not meet in any way. So we should try to somehow organize all materials on the event of interest to us in order to begin to deal with this very different methods, and not those over sixty years of existence of mysteries not given little or no results.
based on site wikipedia.org, paranormal-news.ru, nnm.ru, zhaba.ru
