Completed the longest experiment in the history of science
This experiment Thomas Parnell wanted to show his students that tar, a solid material that can be broken with a hammer, has properties quite viscous liquid. But from this show, Thomas Parnell could not even think that this experiment will continue as long time and later will be included in the Book of Guinness world records as the longest in the history of scientific experiment.
Twenty six million five hundred thirty thousand seven hundred thirty three
Experiment Pitch Drоp the University of Queensland is not the only such experiment that is conducted on the globe. In 1944, Trinity College Dublin (Тrinity Сollege Dublin), Ireland, started the same experiment in which, instead of the resin used asphalt, which is known, is also an amorphous material which is solid at room temperature, but slowly and imperceptibly the current.
Three million fifty seven thousand three hundred fifty eight
Receiving data on the time required for the formation and separation of the asphalt droplets, scientists have found that the viscosity of the material drops to two million times the viscosity of honey and 20 billion times the viscosity of water.
Source: /users/413
Twenty six million five hundred thirty thousand seven hundred thirty three
Experiment Pitch Drоp the University of Queensland is not the only such experiment that is conducted on the globe. In 1944, Trinity College Dublin (Тrinity Сollege Dublin), Ireland, started the same experiment in which, instead of the resin used asphalt, which is known, is also an amorphous material which is solid at room temperature, but slowly and imperceptibly the current.
Three million fifty seven thousand three hundred fifty eight
Receiving data on the time required for the formation and separation of the asphalt droplets, scientists have found that the viscosity of the material drops to two million times the viscosity of honey and 20 billion times the viscosity of water.
Source: /users/413
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