The most ridiculous opening
Ceremony Ignobelevskoy annual award, organized by the publishers of "Annals of Improbable Research" takes place at Harvard. In the presence of these four Nobel laureates, who welcomed the "colleagues" thunderous applause, the roar dudelok and handshakes.
The award is given for the experiment, launched in 1927 by the late Professor Thomas Parnell of the University of Queensland and continued by John Meynstounom.
Experiments with falling drop of Australian scientists have decided to show that the usual materials can have amazing properties. For example, the resin, which is used for waterproofing boats.
At room temperature, the resin is hard and brittle material - it crumbles under the hammer. But it turned out that all at the same temperature, the resin is actually a liquid, although in 100 billion times more viscous than water.
Professor Parnell heated a sample of resin poured it into a glass funnel and covered the whole thing transparent dome. And they really formed resin droplets and fall - one every nine years. However, of the "act of falling," one with my own eyes never once saw.
This prize took Greg Miller from Missouri, who invented and patented Neuticles - artificial testicles, which are implanted castrated dogs through "revolutionary" procedures.
Miller says that it safe, practical and inexpensive invention benefited more than 100 thousand pet owners as «Neuticles allow your pet to look natural, to maintain self-esteem and to recover from the trauma associated with castration." Are the testicles, by the way, is not cheap: depending on the model and size of the prices are in the $ 73 to $ 549 per pair.
The theme of the testicles, by the way, appeared in the results of the 2002 Award: when London was awarded the Professor "for the monstrous balance." manifested in a study on "The asymmetry of the male testes in nature and sculpture of the ancient world." Grace, therefore, soil.
3.Premiya world
She went to the British: Peter Simmons and Dr. Claire Rind, a pair of neuroscientists at the University of Newcastle. These distinguished scientists that shows the individual members of the Asian migratory locusts episodes of "Star Wars" at the same time stimulating and controlling the visual neurons and LGMD DCMD.
In this way, Simmons and Rind have tried to understand how insects manage to process images so quickly to avoid collisions at high speed. The researchers found much hope and something to borrow from locusts to create sensors that will enhance safety on the roads. In general, nothing wrong and ridiculous.
Here luck Swiss Dr. Benjamin Smith and three of his colleagues from Australia - Craig Williams and Michael Tyler and Brian Williams. Last year, the quartet released a study "On the odorous secretions of frogs, their possible functions and phylogenetic significance».
The team turned to herpetologists (professionals and amateurs) to provide information about the frogs, which are clearly something smells. In addition, the volunteers were asked to feel the smell of frogs under stress and to describe these "flavors».
A total of 131 species of been investigated from 30 genera. Scents range from the pleasant floral to harsh and repulsive. We studied the relationship of these odors and their biological role.
5. Economics
Designer Gauri Nanda of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has been awarded for the alarm clock Clocky, which leaves from the owner and hides without letting himself calm. So naughty watch guarantee that people will rise from the bed. And the economy here is that, theoretically, Clocky is able to add several hours to the working day.
Frankly, the device Nanda not so much - there are alarm clocks and more interesting. There is, for example, brain Service - it monitors the rhythm of sleep. But the "Annals of Improbable Research" is probably more visible.
In this category the winner was the doctor from Tokyo named Yoshiro Nakamatsu (he shortened the name to the letter, was Nakamatsu). Ignobelevku he was awarded for having the doctor photographed and then analyzed everything eaten for 34-odd years. That is because the eccentric and?
But Nakamatsu is not so simple. This Japanese inventor of a record number of patents - more than 3 thousand. And one of them, dated 1950, is nothing like a floppy disk. Nakamatsu eats only once a day, consuming about 700 calories. On his diet doctor says the following:
"I really photograph each piece of food before you eat it. It takes about three days to the body and mind perceived effect of food - explains the doctor. - I check my physical and mental condition on a daily basis and see photos of what I ate for three days before. Based on these findings, I have continuously adjusted their diet in order to focus on products that stimulate my mind to make it work better ».
Laureates - Professor Edward Kёssler and his student Brian Dzhettelfinger, both from the University of Minnesota. They proved that swimming in a thick mixture as easily as in water.
To do this, the researchers filled the 25-meter swimming pool 300 kilograms of guar gum, and then launched into the "snot" 16 swimmers volunteers. Their results in the water and syrup were different, but not more than 4%.
8.Istoriya agriculture
James Watson, head of the School of History, Philosophy and Politics of the New Zealand University Massey are. He conducted a study entitled "The importance of exploding trousers Richard Buckley: Reflections on the aspect of the technological changes in the New Zealand dairy farming between the world wars." Wow nazvanitse, yes?
And it is. In 1931, New Zealand farmers were surprised to find that their pants began to explode. Some exploded in the wash, the other in contact with fire, and others directly during wear.
One farmer named Richard Buckley survived the explosion of his pants and was able to quickly get rid of them. It does not hurt and it seems that has pioneered the investigation of the causes of the anomaly. It turned out that almost all the farmers trying to protect pastures from weeds that kill their cows, using sodium chlorate.
It effectively destroyed the weeds, but as a strong oxidizing agent gets on clothes. And when chlorate is mixed with an organic material - in this case the cotton pants - to form an explosive mixture. Good story.
A biology professor at the International University Bremen (UIB) Victor Benno Meyer-Rochow and his colleague from the University of the Hungarian Jozsef Gal used the basic principles of physics to calculate the pressure that builds a penguin when he commits an act of defecation.
Meyer-Rochow said that the study began in 1993, when he led the first expedition to the Antarctic Jamaican.
In short, to excrement flew away from the nest, penguin develops pressure of 10 kPa (77 mm Hg), to get rid of watery material and 60 kPa (450 mm) to remove more viscous faeces.
"Selects whether the bird is the direction in which fly excrement, and what role is played in this process, the wind is still unknown", - complete report researchers.
farther. MOST ridiculous inventions !!!)))
The invention Alarm Fork, patented in 1995, to determine the time between when a person brought something to the mouth, and the moment when you can repeat the gesture. Simply put, burning "green" - is necessary to take food, and red - to chew. The purpose of the invention - to force a person to chew food.
The most idiotic among inventions for our little brothers can be called Pet Petter - device pochёsyvaniya dogs, patented in 1989. The invention is a mechanical arm, which begins pochёsyvat dog when it is suitable to the device.
Its inventor declares that the product will be useful to all users of kissing, and especially - politicians who during elections sometimes have to kiss anybody. This product is called Kissing Shield - «Shield for kisses." It is a barrier against germs and consists of a thin latex membrane stretched over a frame artfully shaped romantic heart.
Another vehicle - Windy Wheels («Wind Wheel") - is a bike Sailing. It is envisaged that in the case of windy weather can try to maneuver from side to side like the ancient mariners.
Special cooling hat Cranium Cooler, using solar batteries, was patented in 1985. The energy collected by "mirrors", is transferred to the cooler installed inside the hat.
The invention Wig Flipper - «bouncy wig", patented in 1994, provides that a cap is set on a small spring, you press the button, a wig bouncing and dancing in the air.
British Patent placed in the encyclopedia under number GB2060081, tells how to make eco-friendly minivan. It turns out, it should be placed in a horse. It will take the endless belt located in the middle of the bus, and thus lead to the wheels through a gearbox, and the driver and the passengers sit on the sides "horse compartment." Thermometer under the collar horses associated with dashboard machines. Because "the driver mare" can assess the condition of "engine».
The principle of operation of the invention, called Diaper Alarm, which translates as "The alarm in its infancy", is as follows: in diapers, diapers or pants mounted humidity sensor, which indicates the proper level of humidity than "removes the psychological problem of young squeamish parents." < br />
Incidentally, this invention is put into practice to create ammunition for the soldiers. Now new uniform equipped with similar sensors, which regulate the humidity and temperature of the clothes, according to the temperature of the body, environment, etc.
and now.
Most idiotic RESEARCH !!!
American NGO "Taxpayers for Common Sense" has made the top ten most stupid science projects require significant expenditures of the federal budget of the USA. The non-competition called - the prize of "Golden Fleece» («Golden Fleece»), that is ambiguous because the word «fleece» also means a "rip-off».
10th place. In 1975, the National Science Foundation has spent $ 84 thousand. For research, in which scientists have tried to uncover the secret of the emergence of feelings of love.
9th place. The Ministry of Agriculture has paid $ 46 thousand. To know how much time is needed to prepare breakfast.
8th place. The same organization has allocated $ 500 thousand., In order to answer the question: "Why do rats, monkeys and people gnash their teeth and jaws compress?". Scientists have found that people are able to compress the jaws of rage when he hears loud noises, and after quitting smoking.
7th place. The National Science Foundation and the National Institute of Mental Health spent $ 107 thousand. In the study of sexual behavior of Japanese quail under strict laboratory control.
6th place. National Institute of Mental Health also allocated substantial resources to the study, whose goal was to obtain information on the subject: why the players are smiling bowling, hockey fans and pedestrians.
5th place. In 1977, the National Foundation for Humanity has allocated $ 25 thousand., To find out why the tennis courts located in the State of Virginia, the players cheat and behave rudely.
4th place. In 1981, the US Department of Commerce has provided the municipality of Honolulu (the capital of the State of Hawaii) $ 28, 6 ths., That the municipality has studied how best to spend $ 250 thousand. (These funds were allocated to equip the beaches so that it was convenient surfers). Surfers were ready for free to tell officials about their preferences.
3rd place. The Federal Aviation Administration has spent $ 57, 8 thousand. To study the important issue: what parameters of the body must have the flight attendants.
2nd place. In 1975, the National Institute on Alcohol has spent millions of dollars to determine: whether there are drunken fish aggressively sober, inclined if young rats are more willing than their mature relatives, drink alcohol for complacency and, finally, whether it is possible to systematize the process of transformation of rats alcoholics.
1 place. Research Administration to promote the rule of law a $ 27 thousand. Was devoted to finding the answer to the question: "Why are the prisoners want to escape from prison?".
The award is given for the experiment, launched in 1927 by the late Professor Thomas Parnell of the University of Queensland and continued by John Meynstounom.
Experiments with falling drop of Australian scientists have decided to show that the usual materials can have amazing properties. For example, the resin, which is used for waterproofing boats.
At room temperature, the resin is hard and brittle material - it crumbles under the hammer. But it turned out that all at the same temperature, the resin is actually a liquid, although in 100 billion times more viscous than water.
Professor Parnell heated a sample of resin poured it into a glass funnel and covered the whole thing transparent dome. And they really formed resin droplets and fall - one every nine years. However, of the "act of falling," one with my own eyes never once saw.

This prize took Greg Miller from Missouri, who invented and patented Neuticles - artificial testicles, which are implanted castrated dogs through "revolutionary" procedures.
Miller says that it safe, practical and inexpensive invention benefited more than 100 thousand pet owners as «Neuticles allow your pet to look natural, to maintain self-esteem and to recover from the trauma associated with castration." Are the testicles, by the way, is not cheap: depending on the model and size of the prices are in the $ 73 to $ 549 per pair.
The theme of the testicles, by the way, appeared in the results of the 2002 Award: when London was awarded the Professor "for the monstrous balance." manifested in a study on "The asymmetry of the male testes in nature and sculpture of the ancient world." Grace, therefore, soil.

3.Premiya world
She went to the British: Peter Simmons and Dr. Claire Rind, a pair of neuroscientists at the University of Newcastle. These distinguished scientists that shows the individual members of the Asian migratory locusts episodes of "Star Wars" at the same time stimulating and controlling the visual neurons and LGMD DCMD.
In this way, Simmons and Rind have tried to understand how insects manage to process images so quickly to avoid collisions at high speed. The researchers found much hope and something to borrow from locusts to create sensors that will enhance safety on the roads. In general, nothing wrong and ridiculous.

Here luck Swiss Dr. Benjamin Smith and three of his colleagues from Australia - Craig Williams and Michael Tyler and Brian Williams. Last year, the quartet released a study "On the odorous secretions of frogs, their possible functions and phylogenetic significance».
The team turned to herpetologists (professionals and amateurs) to provide information about the frogs, which are clearly something smells. In addition, the volunteers were asked to feel the smell of frogs under stress and to describe these "flavors».
A total of 131 species of been investigated from 30 genera. Scents range from the pleasant floral to harsh and repulsive. We studied the relationship of these odors and their biological role.

5. Economics
Designer Gauri Nanda of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has been awarded for the alarm clock Clocky, which leaves from the owner and hides without letting himself calm. So naughty watch guarantee that people will rise from the bed. And the economy here is that, theoretically, Clocky is able to add several hours to the working day.
Frankly, the device Nanda not so much - there are alarm clocks and more interesting. There is, for example, brain Service - it monitors the rhythm of sleep. But the "Annals of Improbable Research" is probably more visible.

In this category the winner was the doctor from Tokyo named Yoshiro Nakamatsu (he shortened the name to the letter, was Nakamatsu). Ignobelevku he was awarded for having the doctor photographed and then analyzed everything eaten for 34-odd years. That is because the eccentric and?
But Nakamatsu is not so simple. This Japanese inventor of a record number of patents - more than 3 thousand. And one of them, dated 1950, is nothing like a floppy disk. Nakamatsu eats only once a day, consuming about 700 calories. On his diet doctor says the following:
"I really photograph each piece of food before you eat it. It takes about three days to the body and mind perceived effect of food - explains the doctor. - I check my physical and mental condition on a daily basis and see photos of what I ate for three days before. Based on these findings, I have continuously adjusted their diet in order to focus on products that stimulate my mind to make it work better ».

Laureates - Professor Edward Kёssler and his student Brian Dzhettelfinger, both from the University of Minnesota. They proved that swimming in a thick mixture as easily as in water.
To do this, the researchers filled the 25-meter swimming pool 300 kilograms of guar gum, and then launched into the "snot" 16 swimmers volunteers. Their results in the water and syrup were different, but not more than 4%.

8.Istoriya agriculture
James Watson, head of the School of History, Philosophy and Politics of the New Zealand University Massey are. He conducted a study entitled "The importance of exploding trousers Richard Buckley: Reflections on the aspect of the technological changes in the New Zealand dairy farming between the world wars." Wow nazvanitse, yes?
And it is. In 1931, New Zealand farmers were surprised to find that their pants began to explode. Some exploded in the wash, the other in contact with fire, and others directly during wear.
One farmer named Richard Buckley survived the explosion of his pants and was able to quickly get rid of them. It does not hurt and it seems that has pioneered the investigation of the causes of the anomaly. It turned out that almost all the farmers trying to protect pastures from weeds that kill their cows, using sodium chlorate.
It effectively destroyed the weeds, but as a strong oxidizing agent gets on clothes. And when chlorate is mixed with an organic material - in this case the cotton pants - to form an explosive mixture. Good story.

A biology professor at the International University Bremen (UIB) Victor Benno Meyer-Rochow and his colleague from the University of the Hungarian Jozsef Gal used the basic principles of physics to calculate the pressure that builds a penguin when he commits an act of defecation.
Meyer-Rochow said that the study began in 1993, when he led the first expedition to the Antarctic Jamaican.
In short, to excrement flew away from the nest, penguin develops pressure of 10 kPa (77 mm Hg), to get rid of watery material and 60 kPa (450 mm) to remove more viscous faeces.
"Selects whether the bird is the direction in which fly excrement, and what role is played in this process, the wind is still unknown", - complete report researchers.

farther. MOST ridiculous inventions !!!)))
The invention Alarm Fork, patented in 1995, to determine the time between when a person brought something to the mouth, and the moment when you can repeat the gesture. Simply put, burning "green" - is necessary to take food, and red - to chew. The purpose of the invention - to force a person to chew food.

The most idiotic among inventions for our little brothers can be called Pet Petter - device pochёsyvaniya dogs, patented in 1989. The invention is a mechanical arm, which begins pochёsyvat dog when it is suitable to the device.

Its inventor declares that the product will be useful to all users of kissing, and especially - politicians who during elections sometimes have to kiss anybody. This product is called Kissing Shield - «Shield for kisses." It is a barrier against germs and consists of a thin latex membrane stretched over a frame artfully shaped romantic heart.

Another vehicle - Windy Wheels («Wind Wheel") - is a bike Sailing. It is envisaged that in the case of windy weather can try to maneuver from side to side like the ancient mariners.

Special cooling hat Cranium Cooler, using solar batteries, was patented in 1985. The energy collected by "mirrors", is transferred to the cooler installed inside the hat.
The invention Wig Flipper - «bouncy wig", patented in 1994, provides that a cap is set on a small spring, you press the button, a wig bouncing and dancing in the air.
British Patent placed in the encyclopedia under number GB2060081, tells how to make eco-friendly minivan. It turns out, it should be placed in a horse. It will take the endless belt located in the middle of the bus, and thus lead to the wheels through a gearbox, and the driver and the passengers sit on the sides "horse compartment." Thermometer under the collar horses associated with dashboard machines. Because "the driver mare" can assess the condition of "engine».
The principle of operation of the invention, called Diaper Alarm, which translates as "The alarm in its infancy", is as follows: in diapers, diapers or pants mounted humidity sensor, which indicates the proper level of humidity than "removes the psychological problem of young squeamish parents." < br />
Incidentally, this invention is put into practice to create ammunition for the soldiers. Now new uniform equipped with similar sensors, which regulate the humidity and temperature of the clothes, according to the temperature of the body, environment, etc.

and now.
Most idiotic RESEARCH !!!
American NGO "Taxpayers for Common Sense" has made the top ten most stupid science projects require significant expenditures of the federal budget of the USA. The non-competition called - the prize of "Golden Fleece» («Golden Fleece»), that is ambiguous because the word «fleece» also means a "rip-off».
10th place. In 1975, the National Science Foundation has spent $ 84 thousand. For research, in which scientists have tried to uncover the secret of the emergence of feelings of love.
9th place. The Ministry of Agriculture has paid $ 46 thousand. To know how much time is needed to prepare breakfast.
8th place. The same organization has allocated $ 500 thousand., In order to answer the question: "Why do rats, monkeys and people gnash their teeth and jaws compress?". Scientists have found that people are able to compress the jaws of rage when he hears loud noises, and after quitting smoking.
7th place. The National Science Foundation and the National Institute of Mental Health spent $ 107 thousand. In the study of sexual behavior of Japanese quail under strict laboratory control.
6th place. National Institute of Mental Health also allocated substantial resources to the study, whose goal was to obtain information on the subject: why the players are smiling bowling, hockey fans and pedestrians.
5th place. In 1977, the National Foundation for Humanity has allocated $ 25 thousand., To find out why the tennis courts located in the State of Virginia, the players cheat and behave rudely.
4th place. In 1981, the US Department of Commerce has provided the municipality of Honolulu (the capital of the State of Hawaii) $ 28, 6 ths., That the municipality has studied how best to spend $ 250 thousand. (These funds were allocated to equip the beaches so that it was convenient surfers). Surfers were ready for free to tell officials about their preferences.
3rd place. The Federal Aviation Administration has spent $ 57, 8 thousand. To study the important issue: what parameters of the body must have the flight attendants.
2nd place. In 1975, the National Institute on Alcohol has spent millions of dollars to determine: whether there are drunken fish aggressively sober, inclined if young rats are more willing than their mature relatives, drink alcohol for complacency and, finally, whether it is possible to systematize the process of transformation of rats alcoholics.
1 place. Research Administration to promote the rule of law a $ 27 thousand. Was devoted to finding the answer to the question: "Why are the prisoners want to escape from prison?".
