The feat tankman
IS-2 - Soviet heavy tank during World War II. Abbreviation of IP means "Joseph Stalin" - the official name of the serial release of Soviet heavy tanks 1943-1953 biennium. Tanks of this type played an important role in the battles of 1944-45, particularly distinguished themselves during the assault on the city.
Sturm Berlin:
Hit a cumulative grenade killed the commander, survived only a driver Sergeant Herman drafts. Another hit from faustpatrona IS-2 was set on fire in the engine compartment, but the sergeant was able to expand the tank so to bring down a nearby wall and knock down the flames of its debris. Then he among the dead bodies of comrades stood behind the cannon and machine guns, and the fire led to the complete exhaustion of ammunition, then, open the door, continued to fight back grenades. Once the tank approached the Soviet soldiers, bloody Shashkova found lying at the bottom with a knife in his hand. In his memoirs, Chuikov writes that brave tanker rejected the proposals of the enemy to surrender and died shortly after his approach, and around the damaged IS-2 were lying more than three dozen dead SS.
Guard Sergeant Herman P. Shashkoff, the Volga region, a native of Gorky region. When the tank was killed loader, checkers replaced him. After some time, the gun commander was killed, but the tank still was shooting. Shashkoff replaced now charged and gun commander. The blast killed faustpatrona vehicle commander. Shashkoff alone. Sitting at the controls, he turned the tank around its axis. New blow faustpatrona. Ignited engine compartment. Including rear speed, checkers hit the stern of the tank in the dilapidated wall. Landslides, debris, she extinguished the flames.
Shashkoff went from the gun to the gun, firing at the Germans. But we ran out of shells and cartridges. Stay grenades. Guardsmen sorry to the car, he did not want to give it into the hands of the enemy. Grenades for grenade flew through the tower hatch, then through the window of the driver. But we ran out and grenades. Shashkoff received a second wound to the chest. The Nazis began to knock on the armor, offering Shashkova surrender. But the guards do not give up! German Shashkoff left in the tank. When we arrived here comrades strewn around the tank more than three dozen German machine gunners and faustnikov in Gestapo uniforms. Himself Shashkoff, poluobgorevshy and wounded lying on the bottom of the tank with a knife in his hand. He still had enough breath to tell the comrades that there was. Hero died with the words: - Thank you, comrades, that my body is not given into the hands of the Nazis ...
Sturm Berlin:
Hit a cumulative grenade killed the commander, survived only a driver Sergeant Herman drafts. Another hit from faustpatrona IS-2 was set on fire in the engine compartment, but the sergeant was able to expand the tank so to bring down a nearby wall and knock down the flames of its debris. Then he among the dead bodies of comrades stood behind the cannon and machine guns, and the fire led to the complete exhaustion of ammunition, then, open the door, continued to fight back grenades. Once the tank approached the Soviet soldiers, bloody Shashkova found lying at the bottom with a knife in his hand. In his memoirs, Chuikov writes that brave tanker rejected the proposals of the enemy to surrender and died shortly after his approach, and around the damaged IS-2 were lying more than three dozen dead SS.
Guard Sergeant Herman P. Shashkoff, the Volga region, a native of Gorky region. When the tank was killed loader, checkers replaced him. After some time, the gun commander was killed, but the tank still was shooting. Shashkoff replaced now charged and gun commander. The blast killed faustpatrona vehicle commander. Shashkoff alone. Sitting at the controls, he turned the tank around its axis. New blow faustpatrona. Ignited engine compartment. Including rear speed, checkers hit the stern of the tank in the dilapidated wall. Landslides, debris, she extinguished the flames.
Shashkoff went from the gun to the gun, firing at the Germans. But we ran out of shells and cartridges. Stay grenades. Guardsmen sorry to the car, he did not want to give it into the hands of the enemy. Grenades for grenade flew through the tower hatch, then through the window of the driver. But we ran out and grenades. Shashkoff received a second wound to the chest. The Nazis began to knock on the armor, offering Shashkova surrender. But the guards do not give up! German Shashkoff left in the tank. When we arrived here comrades strewn around the tank more than three dozen German machine gunners and faustnikov in Gestapo uniforms. Himself Shashkoff, poluobgorevshy and wounded lying on the bottom of the tank with a knife in his hand. He still had enough breath to tell the comrades that there was. Hero died with the words: - Thank you, comrades, that my body is not given into the hands of the Nazis ...
