10 tips about relationships, to remember ALWAYS
If you are in a relationship, you need some help, keep these tips handy ...
A few years ago, on their 50th anniversary, my 87-year-old grandpa looked at 84-year-old grandmother and said, "Here it is, our relationship, this is my greatest achievement».
The words of my grandfather always stayed with me. They were perfectly romantic, but, most importantly, they were absolutely true. A healthy relationship - this achievement. They impose obligations and really work when two people meet and are ready to apply for it enough effort.
If you are in a relationship, you need some help, keep handy tips that are given below ...
1. heal old wounds forgiveness
Every moment of your life you are either growing up or die - and when you're physically healthy, it is a choice, not a fate. The art of maintaining happiness in life and relationships built on the balance of action to hold and release. Yes, sometimes people you trust (including myself) can hurt you. Condition pain is something that can not be avoided, but always be unhappy - it is a choice. Forgiveness - is the means. You must let go of what is behind you before you can feel the goodness in front of him.
2. Stay clear when making a mistake
Upon my heart - the beginning of everything, which corresponds to the word. The most respected people are not those who never makes a mistake, and those who recognize the error, if they are made, and then move on and do everything possible to correct them. In the end, to be honest - it is not always have a lot of friends, but it is always able to select the most relevant people in your life.
3. Stop the gossip and start communicating
A good rule of thumb: if you can not tell someone something in person, do not have to talk about it behind my back. As Eleanor Roosevelt once said: "Great minds discuss ideas, ordinary minds discuss events, small minds discuss people." Life is too short to spend it talking about people who gossip and trouble to organize around the things that do not matter. If you do not know, you ask. If you disagree, tell me. If you do not like, tell. But never discuss people behind.
4. Give people the space that they take their own decisions
Stop judging others by its own past. Do not act as a judge and do not treat people differently. They live a life different from you. What's good one, maybe not so good the next. What is bad one can change the life of another for the better. Let the people in your life to make their own mistakes and make their own decisions.
5. Do things that make YOU happy
If you want to awaken happiness in relationships, start to live a life that makes you happy and then radiate happiness in relationships. If you want to get rid of suffering in the relationship, start with the elimination of dark and negative parts of ourselves and then radiate the positive in your relationship. In fact, the biggest strength that we have in this world - the power of our own transfiguration. All the positive changes that you are looking for in a relationship, start with a mirror reflection of yourself.
6. Demonstrate know his kindness in the most insignificant things every day
Aesop once said: "No act of kindness, even the most insignificant, not be in vain." Nothing could be closer to the truth. Always be kinder. You never know, we had to go through another person. Sometimes you have to be kind to someone, not because he is good, but because you are good. Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, listening ... An honest compliment, or the smallest act of another care - all this has the power to transform lives around.
7. Talk less when less is more
We need some courage to stand up and speak; but even more courage is needed to open your mind and listen. Pay attention and be a good listener. Your ears never involve you in trouble. People in our lives often need to hear the ear, not incoherent speech. And do not listen with the intent to reply; Hear spoken with the intent to understand. You are so beautiful, how much love you give, you are so wise, how much is left after you silence.
8. Let your love and faith to overcome their fear
You will never lose, if you like; you lose if you keep. None of the relationships are impossible as long as you do not give your partner a chance. Love means to give a chance to someone to hurt you, but believe that it will not. Without this trust relationship can not survive. You can not just believe that fear of others; you must believe in their honesty. If ever you allow someone to trust you, you must feel that you trust him, too.
9. Take without waiting
Unconditional perception - that's what we want, but rarely get. Remember, people will never do what is contrary to their nature. They can do things that do not meet your expectations, but what people do, just shows who they really are. Do not expect anything from the people. Who they really are - it's not what they say or what you would expect, they are - this is how they behave. Either you accept them for what they are, or move on without them.
10. Release all wrong
Know their own worth! When you spend your time on those who do not respect you, you give a part of my heart that will never return. All the setbacks in the relationship hurt, but lose the one who does not appreciate you, and does not respect - is not lost. Some people come into your life for a time, to teach you something. They come and go and they are all different. It's perfectly normal that they are no more in your life. Now you have more time to focus on the relationships that really matter.
Remember that even the healthiest relationships are small flaws. Is too "black" or "white" in terms of quality and health of the relationship is doomed. Bear in mind that the difficulties will be always there, but you can focus on the good things. Instead of always looking for signs of what is not working in your relationship, all you have to do - is to see those advantages, that is, and then used as a solid foundation for building.
Your turn ...
Which of these tips you've faced? What more would you add to this list? Please leave your comment below.

A few years ago, on their 50th anniversary, my 87-year-old grandpa looked at 84-year-old grandmother and said, "Here it is, our relationship, this is my greatest achievement».
The words of my grandfather always stayed with me. They were perfectly romantic, but, most importantly, they were absolutely true. A healthy relationship - this achievement. They impose obligations and really work when two people meet and are ready to apply for it enough effort.
If you are in a relationship, you need some help, keep handy tips that are given below ...
1. heal old wounds forgiveness
Every moment of your life you are either growing up or die - and when you're physically healthy, it is a choice, not a fate. The art of maintaining happiness in life and relationships built on the balance of action to hold and release. Yes, sometimes people you trust (including myself) can hurt you. Condition pain is something that can not be avoided, but always be unhappy - it is a choice. Forgiveness - is the means. You must let go of what is behind you before you can feel the goodness in front of him.
2. Stay clear when making a mistake
Upon my heart - the beginning of everything, which corresponds to the word. The most respected people are not those who never makes a mistake, and those who recognize the error, if they are made, and then move on and do everything possible to correct them. In the end, to be honest - it is not always have a lot of friends, but it is always able to select the most relevant people in your life.
3. Stop the gossip and start communicating
A good rule of thumb: if you can not tell someone something in person, do not have to talk about it behind my back. As Eleanor Roosevelt once said: "Great minds discuss ideas, ordinary minds discuss events, small minds discuss people." Life is too short to spend it talking about people who gossip and trouble to organize around the things that do not matter. If you do not know, you ask. If you disagree, tell me. If you do not like, tell. But never discuss people behind.
4. Give people the space that they take their own decisions
Stop judging others by its own past. Do not act as a judge and do not treat people differently. They live a life different from you. What's good one, maybe not so good the next. What is bad one can change the life of another for the better. Let the people in your life to make their own mistakes and make their own decisions.
5. Do things that make YOU happy
If you want to awaken happiness in relationships, start to live a life that makes you happy and then radiate happiness in relationships. If you want to get rid of suffering in the relationship, start with the elimination of dark and negative parts of ourselves and then radiate the positive in your relationship. In fact, the biggest strength that we have in this world - the power of our own transfiguration. All the positive changes that you are looking for in a relationship, start with a mirror reflection of yourself.
6. Demonstrate know his kindness in the most insignificant things every day
Aesop once said: "No act of kindness, even the most insignificant, not be in vain." Nothing could be closer to the truth. Always be kinder. You never know, we had to go through another person. Sometimes you have to be kind to someone, not because he is good, but because you are good. Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, listening ... An honest compliment, or the smallest act of another care - all this has the power to transform lives around.
7. Talk less when less is more
We need some courage to stand up and speak; but even more courage is needed to open your mind and listen. Pay attention and be a good listener. Your ears never involve you in trouble. People in our lives often need to hear the ear, not incoherent speech. And do not listen with the intent to reply; Hear spoken with the intent to understand. You are so beautiful, how much love you give, you are so wise, how much is left after you silence.
8. Let your love and faith to overcome their fear
You will never lose, if you like; you lose if you keep. None of the relationships are impossible as long as you do not give your partner a chance. Love means to give a chance to someone to hurt you, but believe that it will not. Without this trust relationship can not survive. You can not just believe that fear of others; you must believe in their honesty. If ever you allow someone to trust you, you must feel that you trust him, too.
9. Take without waiting
Unconditional perception - that's what we want, but rarely get. Remember, people will never do what is contrary to their nature. They can do things that do not meet your expectations, but what people do, just shows who they really are. Do not expect anything from the people. Who they really are - it's not what they say or what you would expect, they are - this is how they behave. Either you accept them for what they are, or move on without them.
10. Release all wrong
Know their own worth! When you spend your time on those who do not respect you, you give a part of my heart that will never return. All the setbacks in the relationship hurt, but lose the one who does not appreciate you, and does not respect - is not lost. Some people come into your life for a time, to teach you something. They come and go and they are all different. It's perfectly normal that they are no more in your life. Now you have more time to focus on the relationships that really matter.
Remember that even the healthiest relationships are small flaws. Is too "black" or "white" in terms of quality and health of the relationship is doomed. Bear in mind that the difficulties will be always there, but you can focus on the good things. Instead of always looking for signs of what is not working in your relationship, all you have to do - is to see those advantages, that is, and then used as a solid foundation for building.
Your turn ...
Which of these tips you've faced? What more would you add to this list? Please leave your comment below.
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