Techniques and methods for manipulating the consciousness of the masses.
Here are just some of the techniques that are used today to indoctrinate unsuspecting people:
1. Distraction
The basic element of social control is the strategy of distraction. The goal - to distract public attention from important issues to be solved by political and economic elites, with the help of technology, "flood" or "inundation" continuous distractions and insignificant information.
The strategy of distraction is important not to give citizens the opportunity to obtain important knowledge in the field of science, economics, psychology, neurobiology and cybernetics. "Constantly distract citizens' attention from real social problems, keeping them in captivity issues that do not have a real value. Society must be busy, busy, busy, it should never think, right from the field - in the paddock, to other animals ».
2. Create the problem - to offer a solution
This method is also called "problem-reaction-solution." Creates problems, "situation", produces a reaction of the public - that people have started to desire her decision. For example, to prevent an increase in violence in the city or organize bloody attacks in order that citizens have demanded the adoption of laws to strengthen security measures and policies restricting civil liberties. Or initiate an economic crisis to accept as a necessary evil restriction of civil rights and the dismantling of state bodies.
3. The strategy of gradualism
To implement unpopular decisions, you just need to apply them gradually, drop by drop over the years. That's right were imposed radically new socioeconomic conditions (neoliberalism) in the 80s and 90s: limit the role of the state, privatization, precariousness, flexibility, mass unemployment, wages that already does not provide a decent life. That is, all the changes while implementing would cause a revolution.
4. Strategy postponement
Techniques and methods for manipulating the consciousness of the masses
Another way to accept an unpopular decision is to present it as "painful and necessary" to achieve and at the moment the consent of citizens for their implementation in the future. It is much easier to accept any sacrifice in the future than in the present. Firstly, because it does not happen immediately. Secondly, because the people in the mass is always inclined to feed the naive hope that "tomorrow everything will change for the better", and that the sacrifices which he is required to be avoided. It provides citizens with more time to get used to the idea of change and humbly accept them, when the time comes.
5. baby talk with the people
Most of the advertising that is aimed at the general public, using the language arguments, symbols and, especially, intonations, designed for children. As if the audience is very small child or has mental retardation. The more you want to cheat, the infantile tone of communication should be. Why is that? "If you refer to the addressee, if he had 12 years or less, according to the laws of perception is likely that it will respond or react uncritically - as a child" ("Silent weapons for quiet wars»).
6. More emotion than thought
Use the emotional aspect - is a classic technique for blocking the rational analysis and critical perception of individuals. In addition, the use of emotional factor allows you to open the door to the subconscious to bring back thoughts, desires, fears, fear, coercion or desired behaviors ...
7. To keep people in ignorance and mediocrity
Creating a related company, unable to understand the technologies and techniques of social control and oppression. "The quality of education provided by the lower classes of society, should be as lean and mediocrity to the gap of ignorance between lower and higher social classes remained and could not be overcome" ("Silent weapons for quiet wars»).
8. Encourage the mass carried away mediocrity
To introduce to the masses the idea that it is fashionable to be stupid, vulgar and rude ...
9. Strengthen guilt
Make it so that individuals believed that they are to blame for their misfortunes and failures due to lack of intelligence, ability or effort. Thus, instead of rebel against the existing system, individuals feel helpless engaged samoedstvom. This leads to a depressive state, it contributes effectively to curb human actions. And without action there is no revolution!
10. Be aware of the people more than they are about themselves
Over the last 50 years scientific advances have led to the rapid growth of the knowledge gap between the bulk of the society and those who belong to the ruling elites, or used by them. Thanks to biology, neurobiology and applied psychology, the "system" uses advanced knowledge of the human being. "System" is able to better understand the common man than the man knows himself. This means that in most cases, the "system" has more control and more power over individuals than individuals on themselves.
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