The story of 50-year-old Down's Lehi from his cousin, journalist Mikhail Tyutёva.

In the apartment we live together with Lyokha. Lech - this is my cousin. He - down. Or even these people are called by people with Down syndrome. That it down, of course I knew from childhood. But now I do not know - what is it? And not only me.
It turns out that this phenomenon could not quite explain the scientists. And still are trying to unravel. We only know that this genetic anomaly: the body of ordinary people consists of 46 chromosomes, or 23 pairs. But these people in the 21st chromosome pair, one extra. And because of what and where it is taken so still not clear to anyone. Moreover, these children are born at the very different parents, regardless of nationality, lifestyle, location, harmful or good habits, etc. We all - absolutely. This - the verdict of scientists. For example, parents of Lehi were also scholars and engaged directly with the establishment of charges for nuclear weapons at the Institute of Technical Physics Nuclear Center in Snezhinsk. A few years ago, they did not. From here he loved only me.
On the day of the funeral of his mother, my aunt's mother (his father died a little earlier), my wife and I did not know what to do. There, Snezhinsk, friends of his parents offered to surrender in Lech spetsinternat. But at some point - remember our common childhood, what it was funny how we boys always made fun of him and stuff. At one such moment in my heart I trembled when he presented it to me the mother of man, somewhere in the state-owned building, among others his people, his such home who loves the evening to sort his huge stamp collection ... And we took it to his Miass. That's how we live together now.
Lyokha turned fifty, and he as a child because of this extra chromosome. However, sometimes, especially when I watch the news on television, it seems to me that this is not his extra chromosome, and us what is missing ... And the scientists found they had a unique ability for all living things: the absolute lack of deliberate aggression. And in nature, they say, is also an anomaly, since aggression helps to survive a particular kind. A friend of mine about this Lyokha always laughs at, say, you, Lech, dropped out of the food chain Darwin
And in case that occurred recently. In the morning I wanted to make coffee (already hooked on it) and looked for a pack. But it hid Lech and sits around and quietly says with a smile: "But Look, look." I start to rave about, say, late for work, and here you are playing with toys, and even yell: "Give me coffee faster!". He said: "In a saucepan lies." And then she comes to me closely, puts his hands on his shoulders, looking intently into her eyes and quietly says so: "Michael, why are you so cried out, because we are brothers?". And so he embraced me and said, "I joked. I'm sorry. " And I've got all the crazy vanished. Povoroshit his hair on his head, okay, I say, all right, I'm not offended. And you do not take offense. And went to rabotu.I without coffee is not dead.
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