Google search for the Loch Ness monster

Brave diver is not afraid of prehistoric creatures i>
I think many people have noticed a new doodle Google - stylized image of "Nessie", as some affectionately known as the Loch Ness monster. But the corporation has made a bit more effort than simply creating doodles. Special teams took the addition of the lake and the surrounding area in the service Google Street View. Plus, Google team tried and самостоятельно search plesiosaur (or anyone out there is the Loch Ness monster?).
To do this, the Google team has rented a boat, attach the my camera and started to make three-dimensional images of the surrounding space. The results are already можно View . In addition, the company hired and a few divers who were also trying to find something. Divers equipped with special underwater cameras, with which submariners trying to capture the face of the very creation, which they say is more than 80 years.
Google expedition led to the expected results: creature from the lake could not be found. However, there is now a lake when Google Street View, where everyone can try to find the animal itself. It is worth noting that when searching Pegman icon changes to a dragon.

Aliens indulge i>
All this may attract additional attention to the lake, attracting and tourist groups that will help this region of Scotland to flourish. Most looking forward to the representatives of the National Tourism Organization VisitScotland.

You see Nessie? But she / he / it sees all :)
Source: geektimes.ru/post/249334/