10 facts about lohah

1. Archilochus called ancient Greek satirical poet-warrior. The greatest fame acquired his "iambic" or epodov - a poem in which he ridiculed the idea of aristocratic honor, valor and posthumous fame. It is in the poetry of Archilochus first appeared shestistopny pentameter.
2. German Felix Loch - four-time world champion and Olympic champion in the 2010 luge. By the way, in real life he is working a cop. His height - 191 cm.
3. Loch - This is an existing plant, a close relative of sea buckthorn. It looks like the Loch low bushes.
4. Loh also called Novoburassky District village in the Saratov region. Near him there Lokhovsky forest with the appropriate sign, which like to be photographed carriageways.
5. Loch abbreviation means "forest hunting economy».
6. Also Loch - a short name extinguishing systems used in modern nuclear submarines. Full name - Boat Bulk Chemical fire suppression system.
7. There is a version that the current slang word "sucker" is derived from the letters of LOH, which is denoted by a series of license plates Soviet Leningrad region. In the 1990s, residents of the area on their old times, "Lada" Peter came to sell in the markets of potatoes and other vegetables.
8. Lohi in Finnish - a salmon, salmon. Actually, lohom called male in breeding plumage salmon for spawning. His body is covered with red and yellowish spots of irregular shape. Emaciated after spawning female salmon called "oblohovivsheysya." This fish is less valuable in the industrial aspect, less tasty and nutritious.
9. Loch Ness - famous lake in Shotladnii. Actually, the Loch - it's all or any freshwater lake in the deep bay on the Scottish language. In the movie "Loch - the winner of the water" by Sergei Kuryokhin used is an ancient Celtic mythology.
10. In fact, the word "sucker" is derived from the Greek "ambush." In Greece, the sucker (Gr. Lochos, MN. Lochoi (λόχος, λόχοι) - is a tactical combat unit, a division in the army. The number of Loja ranged from 100 to 500 soldiers. The commander of Loja proudly called captains. 300 brave Spartans, including Leonid - it a classic sucker.
Source: www.radioc.ru
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