In the gallery Google Art Project 3D-added 6 new museum exhibits
Google Art Project Team has announced that in the virtual gallery appeared more than 200 full-length 3D-models of exhibits from 6 new museums. The opportunity to work with its exposition provided such museums:
- Калифорнийская Academy of Sciences
- Музей Israel
- Музей Natural History of Los Angeles
- Музей Dallas Arts
- Национальный Museum of Oriental Art in Rome
- Венский Museum of the History of Art
Google Art Project allows you to virtually visit the most famous museums in the world, moving them around in the same way as there is movement of the user on Street View. Some paintings by famous artists represented gigapixel photographs taken specially for the service a special camera. Other museum exhibits scanned 3D-scanner, thereby obtaining a model can be rotated, scaled and viewed from all sides that, in the ordinary museum available.
Academy of Culture Google supports three main projects: Google Art Project , Google Historic Moments and Google World Wonders < / a>. It is estimated that people view each average over one minute of work, while in the conventional museum they leave it at less than 20 seconds. The most popular paintings Art Project is a & quot; Звёздная night & quot; Van Gogh, who was first digitized:
Photo: Google Art Project i> sup>
Followed by Botticelli - «Рождение Venus », Rembrandt - Self Portrait« Рембрандт, painting the window »and Van Gogh -« Спальня Arles ».
Source: geektimes.ru/post/248800/