11 spectacular domestic situations where really lucky

Many people at least once in their life situation occurs that would otherwise like magic or mystical luck can not be explained. We will tell you about the 11 cases where really povezlo.1. In a box of colorful candy sweets were all one tsveta

Sometimes the factories that produce candy can surprise their potrebiteley.2. Two gum instead of one in the usual upakovke

Always nice to get more than ozhidaesh.3. 2 extra cheese sticks!

A small detail that is sure to raise nastroenie.4. Proper fall smartphone unitaz

The owner of this phone is very povezlo.5. Nail, which happened went through the sole, not hooking nogu

Inflicted wound in such a rusty nail would be very glubokoy.6. Keychain did not give the car keys fall into the sewer stok

The owner of this keychain - a real schastlivets.7. Tree which grew in order not to fall on the body of the car during padeniya

Tree whose trunk is exactly the same outline parked underneath avtomobilya.8. Additional bottle of beer in yaschike

A small gift from the manufacturer piva.9. Bullseye!

The clearest hit! 10. Just a few centimeters rescued the driver from fatal oshibki

The owner of this car is definitely big povezlo.11. Three cookies instead odnogo

Error in the factory was able to lift the mood perfectly lover of sweets.