Boeing patented system force field

Presentation of the force field by the authors of the series Star Trek i>
Boeing Corporation, known worldwide for its Boeing Commercial Airplanes division for the production of passenger airliners appears today on the other, unfamiliar to many parties. In addition to civil aviation, Boeing is actively involved including military development for the US Army. For example, during World War II, Boeing built a large number of bombers, the B-17, nicknamed the "Flying Fortress" and the B-29 "Superfortress". Now the company has obtained a patent, and its engineers are developing, in essence, force field, сообщает thenextweb .
The term "force field" originates from the science fiction and fantasy, and represents an impenetrable barrier that protects the object behind it. Often the force field is portrayed as a closed sphere, as in the image above. Technology Boeing is more prosaic and yet so ultimatum to its effectiveness, as described by science fiction.
Patented technology is designed for use in the first place, light rail devices and appliances, and is designed to protect them from the blast. The developers call their system "detection technology and the weakening of the shock wave." In the тексте patent system provides the following description:

"Damping system shock wave consists of:
detector designed a detection signal, which determines the explosions, the ability to generate a shock wave that could, in turn, pass through a gaseous medium to the protected area. The detector estimates the location and time of the explosion and defines an explosive device evaluates the place and time of detonation device, which is able to produce a shock wave passing through a gaseous medium. Generator arc, which works together with the detector, from which it receives a signal detection and response quickly heats a certain area of the gaseous medium to create a second short-term type of environment, different from the original. This medium is located between the shock wave and the protected area so that the shock wave interacts with the second type of short-term protection and dampens shock wave of its energy to achieve the shock wave objects in the protected area. » Team Resources PatentYogi made a video explaining how the theory will work protection system objects, patented Boeing:
From the text of the patent and the video it becomes clear that to the fantastic, completely impervious to external influences force field development engineers Boeing is still far. But already existing idea inspires respect. The shock wave and fragments - one of the main damaging effects after the explosion itself in direct contact (for example, ground nuclear explosion about 50% of the energy goes to the formation of a shock wave), and the ability to dampen her will, first of all, easy pieces of equipment without additional protection serious loss of mobility due to the increase in weight of the machine with the additional booking.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/247676/