The 3D-printer can print the nasal cartilage 16 minutes of the patient's own cells

A team of Swiss Higher Technology School (ETH) has developed a методику creation of human cartilage tissue using the 3D-printer. Besides, the model of cartilage may be obtained in a relatively short time, a feature of the technology is that the model is formed from the patient's own cells. This eliminates the problem of incompatibility between different biological tissues in transplantation printed model. And in the case of implantation of cartilage on the "prominent", then completely eliminated unimportant cosmetic problems just because the transplanted tissue related.
Engineers used bio-3D-printer - specifically computer-controlled drive on the edges of which planted eight syringes. Disc rotates on a special platform, moving to the right place syringes workspace. They are filled with special biological slurry consistency which resembles a regular toothpaste. Syringes with high precision extruded dose of suspension on a platform in layers "typing" model. Printer disk management software is used for 3D-modeling, which formed the model for printing. Everything happens quickly: print nasal cartilage takes 16 minutes.

3D-printer for printing nose i>
Print media is prepared in the laboratory by means of cartilage cells taken directly from the patient: from knee cartilage or ear. It is a biopolymer, which are filled with syringes. Printed from a model of transplant patients. After several months of biopolymer degraded and destroyed by growing cells of cartilage tissue. Observed cosmetic effect is very different from similar approaches when implanted nasal prosthesis made of silicone.
Likewise, you can go to the treatment of diseases associated not only with injuries and wear and cartilage in the human body. Chondromalacia - a change of cartilage, which is characterized by loss of elasticity and its softening. These symptoms are typical for athletes or people experiencing serious exercise.
Head of the scientific program of ETH says that working on the problem biopechati about 80 different research groups around the world. Although the printing of human cartilage is one of the easiest tasks, progress in this area is encouraging.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/247488/