Scientists have learned how to make graphene magnetic

If you think that this - Belgian waffles, it's time to eat. And in the photo - hydrogen-rich graphene, which is made from the grill using electron-beam lithography. I>
Scientists from the US research laboratory Morflot (NRL) придумали simple technology for magnetic graphene. If you want to repeat their experience at home - write down the recipe. You need to take a sheet of graphene, put it on a silicon substrate, and then for a minute dip in liquid ammonia with a pinch of lithium.
As a result, the surface of the graphene attached hydrogen atoms, and that it gives magnetic properties. But be careful, do not overdo! The method is so effective that graphene can oversaturate hydrogen, causing its magnetic properties disappear.
Then, using the обычной electron gun can configure various properties of the resulting magnetic graphene, "knocking out" unnecessary hydrogen atoms. This makes it possible to create a grid similar to that shown in the photo.
Says Dr. Wu-kёn Lee, an expert on materials and one of the authors: "As the use of electron beam lithography on an industrial scale is possible, we believe that our technology is suitable for the manufacture of microelectronics today».
The next topic to study the properties of the resulting material will be its stability and precision with which it is possible to handle it with electrons. In the future, such material can store one bit of information on a single pair of carbon atoms and hydrogen, thereby increasing the potential storage capacity of a million times as compared with today's capabilities.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/247378/