150 years of the most famous of the first photos of the Moon

Lewis Morris Rutherfurd, 1816 - 1892 i>
Today we are cautiously considering interest photos of Mars , dwarf planet Ceres or residence Earth through the rings of Saturn . It seems a long time ago, each found on satellite images your home. Amateur astronomers look at the sky, photographed celestial bodies and make beautiful taymlapsy on which you can see the Milky Way.
The current generation does not know what a photographic film and have never seen a camera Polaroid , pretending snapshots. Sometimes, coming to visit, pretend that it is interesting to consider the album yellowed photographs. And they themselves are doing on a daily basis with self dakfeysami.
But once the photograph itself was a technical marvel Rare so that only a small portion of people saw a photograph - the more photographed. And though the night sky still conceals many mysteries, then it has been studied much less.
In the early 19th century, was born on the estate Morrisana (NY) Lewis Morris Rutherfurd. Boy born into an aristocratic family was lucky. Still, his grandfather on my father was a US senator. A great-grandfather on my mother, Lewis Morris, in whose honor and was named the boy in general was one of those who put his signature on the Declaration of Independence! And the name of the estate took place just this noble family. Now it is - just a district in the south Bronx.
Therefore, he went to study at the prestigious profession a lawyer in good school Williams College. A finished, passed practice and joined the specialty in Auburn (that means the American way "auburn") in New York State. The city was a small, but advanced. For example, in the late 19th century, there was held the world's first execution by electric chair. And who knows whether it is related to this event so that in the same city was formed much later heavy metal band Manowar - but the fact remains.
But Rutherford was one passion - science. More precisely, astronomy. It has always been the starry sky and its secrets. Therefore, the benefit of his family was quite wealthy, at age 33, he left a boring business lawyer, and decided to devote his life to science. And very, I must say, this has succeeded. Did the first work in the field of spectral analysis. Conducted experiments in astrophotography. Invented the micrometer for photos, machine for making diffraction gratings, and the first telescope designed specifically for astrophotography.
And thanks to the tools made many first photographs of the Sun, Moon, stars, nebulae and clusters up to the fifth magnitude. Besides, he could see that the stars are divided into different spectral classes. Pictures of the Pleiades, he received with the help of a specially manufactured lens for the first time allowed to use the photo in the measurement of astronomy. So much so, that he became a founding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States - a major American scientific organization.
Remember we talked about this because scientists and inventors, March 6, 1865, that is, 150 years ago, it was made a remarkable (and one of the first) picture of the moon. Richard Proctor, a popularizer of science in the 19th century, Rutherford called "the greatest photographer of the moon of our time».

That is the picture of the moon of March 6, 1865 is in the books was the famous physicist, chemist and photochemists Hermann Wilhelm Vogel i>
And here's some of his works:

«Moon in the first quarter," March 4, 1865 i>

The Pleiades i>

More Moon i>

Stereofotokartochki, which were used his photographs i>

And the grave scientist i>
Source: geektimes.ru/post/246920/
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