Robotic glove and game help patients regain control of their hands

Which method is best returns control of the hands of stroke patients? If you ask the team University of Hertfordshire, they say that the best way - is to use a robotic glove «SCRIPT» and a special game.
The device is designed so that it matches the size of the patient's hands and work together with researchers created the game. This game encourages users to move each finger, wrist and hand to hold anything through a maze or catch fish.
One of the researchers said:
This project focuses on the methods of treatment of stroke patients in the home. Our goal was to make the treatments available for people to study at home, using this system. Hoping that patients have a personal interest in the classroom. We have tried this system on 30 patients and they really practiced, on average, about 100 minutes a week, and some patients showed clinical improvement in hand function.
Blockquote> The researchers worked SCRIPT for 3 years, creating two prototype spent on the project more than $ 5 million.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/246912/
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