Information Technology fed more than 750 thousand people in Moscow
Hello! B> Our analysts have counted how many Muscovites are working in the IT, telecom and online business. From high-tech, as it turned out, depend more than 750 thousand professionals and their families. Which of these sectors creates the most jobs and which is expected to decline? Main trends under the cut.
What do you think?
Rosstat statistics in the region compared with the statements of Moscow companies for the appropriate codes NACE, estimates of industry experts and consultants. The most difficult task was to estimate the number of employees in the Internet industry, there is existing classifiers is not always relevant.
As a result, directly employed in all three sectors - communications, internet and IT - turned out 320,000 people, of whom about 140,000 - programmers. The average household size in Moscow, according to Mosgorstat, 2, 7 person. Introduced a correction factor that takes into account that among the employees of technology companies a lot of young people who had no family, and that in the same family may be two IT specialist, received the final figure - high technology feed 752, 6 thousand people in the capital.
Where work?
Most jobs in Moscow creates IT business. By the end of 2014 in this industry worked 170 thousand people. Signalers for the same period was about 100 thousand people (13, 5 thousand of them - members of the Moscow division of "Russian Post"), and internet-based company employs 50 thousand professionals. Despite the difficult economic situation, the year in all three segments, according to our estimates, was opened a record number of vacancies - about 100 thousand. And what is particularly interesting, as compared with 2013 year almost unchanged number of open positions that do not require work experience - they were in 2014 about 9% of the total (in times of crisis are usually looking for experienced professionals to less money).
Where it grows, shrinks where?
In the first half of 2014 grew wildly and accordingly hired a lot of Internet companies. Although the dynamics of December fell sharply, it is the only industry where we forecast this year will continue to increase the number of employees (about 8-10%).
The most serious difficulty waiting for representatives of the IT department - because of budget cuts on the information in the corporate and public sector companies to part with 10-11% of staff. In telecom reduction will be less - it can disappear 6-8% of positions, the industry, according to our calculations, the most dependent on the end user, and the townspeople are unlikely to reduce its use of communication, consumption rate is only growing.
In this case, do not expect that your salary will grow strongly, and the company will continue to invest in your education, the cost of corporate universities and business schools has decreased significantly, so as not to part with expensive qualified.
Interesting fact, by the end of 2014 in Moscow closed 800 technology companies, with a 20% increase compared with 2013 year in this area was recorded IP.
Thank you for your attention.
PS Do not forget to check in on a page our special project with "Habra» , where we will soon begin to test the service access to the city surveillance system.
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/dit/blog/252141/

What do you think?
Rosstat statistics in the region compared with the statements of Moscow companies for the appropriate codes NACE, estimates of industry experts and consultants. The most difficult task was to estimate the number of employees in the Internet industry, there is existing classifiers is not always relevant.
As a result, directly employed in all three sectors - communications, internet and IT - turned out 320,000 people, of whom about 140,000 - programmers. The average household size in Moscow, according to Mosgorstat, 2, 7 person. Introduced a correction factor that takes into account that among the employees of technology companies a lot of young people who had no family, and that in the same family may be two IT specialist, received the final figure - high technology feed 752, 6 thousand people in the capital.
Where work?
Most jobs in Moscow creates IT business. By the end of 2014 in this industry worked 170 thousand people. Signalers for the same period was about 100 thousand people (13, 5 thousand of them - members of the Moscow division of "Russian Post"), and internet-based company employs 50 thousand professionals. Despite the difficult economic situation, the year in all three segments, according to our estimates, was opened a record number of vacancies - about 100 thousand. And what is particularly interesting, as compared with 2013 year almost unchanged number of open positions that do not require work experience - they were in 2014 about 9% of the total (in times of crisis are usually looking for experienced professionals to less money).
Where it grows, shrinks where?
In the first half of 2014 grew wildly and accordingly hired a lot of Internet companies. Although the dynamics of December fell sharply, it is the only industry where we forecast this year will continue to increase the number of employees (about 8-10%).
The most serious difficulty waiting for representatives of the IT department - because of budget cuts on the information in the corporate and public sector companies to part with 10-11% of staff. In telecom reduction will be less - it can disappear 6-8% of positions, the industry, according to our calculations, the most dependent on the end user, and the townspeople are unlikely to reduce its use of communication, consumption rate is only growing.
In this case, do not expect that your salary will grow strongly, and the company will continue to invest in your education, the cost of corporate universities and business schools has decreased significantly, so as not to part with expensive qualified.
Interesting fact, by the end of 2014 in Moscow closed 800 technology companies, with a 20% increase compared with 2013 year in this area was recorded IP.
Thank you for your attention.
PS Do not forget to check in on a page our special project with "Habra» , where we will soon begin to test the service access to the city surveillance system.
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/dit/blog/252141/
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