Across Ukraine opened a network of 34 charging stations for electric vehicles

In Ukraine, recently появилось 34 elektroAZS , and another 9 planned to open this year. Refueling appeared on the most popular routes, including the Kyiv-Chop, Kyiv-Kharkiv, Kiev-Odessa, Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk, Kiev, Lublin, Kiev Przemysl. According to the initiators of the project, the average distance between fill does not exceed 200 kilometers.
According to the project, the new charging stations can benefit not only the owners of electric Tesla, but also owners of other electric vehicles, including the Renault Zoe, Porshce Panamera, BMW i3. Also, with the help of an adapter can be filled and the owners of Nissan Leaf, Chevrolet Volt, Mitsubishi iMiEV, Renault Fluence.
Electric cars are now going on the offensive on all fronts. Many car manufacturers with an internal combustion engine creates own electric vehicles (Toyota, by the way, went his own way, developing fuel cell cars). But not in all countries, owners of electric feel at ease.

The main problem - the lack of infrastructure elektroAZS. In Russia, Ukraine and some other countries on the vehicle does not go further reserve the car, and the battery can be recharged not everywhere. However, this problem is gradually ceases to be a problem. For example, some Ukrainian companies - owners of gas stations open elektrozapravki. In addition, this year and next year in Moldova, Ukraine and Russia will "brand" charging stations from Tesla Motors.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/244101/
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