Auto dealers continue to attempt to ban Tesla to sell electric cars in Georgia, Michigan and Missouri

Company, which sells vehicles with internal combustion engines are their own mini-war with Tesla Motors, trying to ban this company to sell electric cars in some US states. The method of attack is quite simple - use the law to sell cars. In some states in the US auto manufacturers have the right to sell their cars only through dealer networks.
Well, since there is no Tesla dealers that sell their cars and the company is not eligible. That is how the sellers of conventional cars could suspend sales of Tesla in Michigan. Those states where there are no laws about having to sell cars through dealers, produce amendments to laws under the influence of the lobby of automobile dealers. Now these amendments prepared in Texas, Arizona and Virginia. Similarly, the fight takes place in the state of Georgia.
Interestingly, in this state Tesla has no right to sell more than 150 electric vehicles per year. These are the terms of the agreement entered into with the state authorities - they went against the company, allowing it to work with customers directly. Instead, it was delivered condition of limiting the number of sales.
Now this agreement is under threat because "car lobby" is not sleeping, and активно acts . Despite the statement of lobbyists that they have nothing against Tesla, the real situation just shows the opposite. Well, the representatives of Tesla Motors in the state are preparing for a long war - hire lawyers working with the legal framework of staff and perform other necessary actions in this situation.
Why Tesla Motors is not negotiating with car dealers? The fact that the business of such companies "locked up" for sale cars with internal combustion engines. And promote new technologies, paying maximum attention to the area, which now occupies 1% of the car market is unlikely someone will.
About the work of Tesla in Georgia everything must be decided in the next month, is scheduled for February next hearing. Well, Tesla Motors is preparing for yet another "battle". We wish us luck.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/244105/
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