Tesla Motors: GM is lobbying for a bill prohibiting us to sell electric cars in Indiana
Tesla Motors Company has long been fighting with the laws of some states of the USA, which prohibits the direct sale of car buyers. In some states, the Tesla wins, other automakers and dealers, who are struggling to prevent the implementation of direct sales. At Tesla we had problems with legislative lobby dealers in states such as Arizona, Texas, Virginia, New Jersey. Now there is a problem of a similar nature in Indiana.
In this state legislation pending, involving a ban on the possession of the car manufacturers and the dealer has a license. At Tesla Motors is just such a license, which allows the company to sell electric cars to its customers in Indiana directly. With dealers Tesla does not want to work for many reasons, including purely commercial - by dealer unprofitable waste of electric power for sale to obtain a minimum margin at the output.
Now Tesla Motors asks its customers to address the senators, expressing dissatisfaction with the new bill. Hearings on it be held on March 25 this year. "Despite the fact that we have a legal right to a license for the sale of electric vehicles, starting in 2014, in spite of our investment of $ 42 million to the state economy in the form of purchases of parts and parts from local producers, despite our plans to create the largest Tesla Service center, which will give work to many residents of the state, GM's demands that the Senate close Tesla », - writes the company in an official statement.
According to the Tesla Motors, is that the problems of the company with the sale of electric vehicles to customers in the state there. But they are sure to arise if the bill, which was discussed above, will.
At the same time GM (General Motors) reiterated its support for HB 1254 bill: «GM supports HB 1254. GM believes that all industry players must work according to the same rules and requirements as to how we sell, serve and promote our products ... defending Tesla special rights may lead to the fact that different manufacturers competing with each other ... will have the opportunity to work with different rules. Tesla may use the scheme franchise dealership with an independent operator in Indiana now, but instead they insist that the state should provide them the opportunity to work in a unique and special exceptions to the rules that will support their business interests. " Who do you support in this situation? Tesla Other automakers have arguments and Tesla, and ordinary car manufacturers, the situation is complicated Voted 372 people. Abstain 54 people. Only registered users can participate in the survey. Come in, please.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/271586/
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