Tesla acquired manufacturer of auto parts in a state where banned sales of electric Tesla

Tesla Motors приобрела Michigan company Riviera Tool. Earlier in Michigan were prohibited sales of electric cars the company because, under state law, the automaker can sell them directly. Sales have to go through the dealer, and Tesla Motors refuses to work with intermediaries.
Now, Tesla went to Michigan through the purchased company. It is understood that the right to sell the Tesla Motors electric cars still do not. But parts and tools for its electric cars Tesla can sell without problems.
The fact is that the Riviera Tool Company specializes in creating systems of stamping that allows the creation of separate sheet metal parts for various cars. The purchased company will be renamed the Tesla Tool & Die. Who in the company is listed 100 people, all of them will go to Tesla. In addition, a manufacturer of electric vehicles hoped to cooperate with other auto manufacturers in the region.
Unfortunately, the terms of the deal were not sounded.
In Michigan, there are owners of electric Tesla, and in order to be able to serve its customers by providing maintenance services, the company went on a similar deal. In principle, a good option that allows Tesla Motors to return to this state. Manufactured items will be delivered to the factory, and Tesla, where electric cars are going.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/250186/