Curiosity took a sunset on Mars

Meet the sunsets and sunrises on a different planet - the dream of many people, which is and remains a dream. But here are some of the earth aids meet and sunrises, and sunsets on another planet. It is about Curiosity and Opportunity. Regarding the latter, then the rover has already removed the portion of the photo, which was composed of the video (to continue).
Now marked and Curiosity , who directed and sent to Earth four photos, remembering the Martian sunset. The period of time within which to take pictures, is 6 minutes 51 seconds. Note that this is the first sunset, shot in color rover Curiosity. For images used tool Mastcam (Mast Camera).
Color has been calibrated to remove some artifacts camera. Mastcam «sees" the world is almost the same colors as the man, except that the camera is a bit more sensitive to blue. Made photograph shows a sunset on Mars to the colors in which this phenomenon is observed, and to people.

NASA / JPL-Caltech / MSSS
Note that the dust in the Martian atmosphere allows the blue light emission spectrum to pass through the atmosphere more effectively, so to speak, than other light emission spectrum. This feature of the Martian atmosphere is most active at the beginning and end of the Martian day, the blue light is best seen in the area close to the Sun itself.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/250192/
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