Players who have downloaded an illegal version of Talos Principle, can not beat the game due to a deliberate "bug"

Game developers The Talos Principle , the company Croteam, went on not quite standard way of protection from illegal distribution of their offspring. Instead of cursing at startup, the game starts and goes ok, but only to one of the game moments when a character is in the elevator. After that move beyond the plot is impossible.

Many players on the forums started to complain about this "bug", and then it turned out that this is even a "feature". The forum Neogaf secret was revealed . Game reference even includes references to the famous pirate group SKIDROW.

Unusual defense had the desired effect - some are interested in the continuation of "pirates" have decided to buy the official version of the game to find out what will happen next. One anonymous member of the famous tracker wrote: "I ran into a bug broken elevator, and the incentive bought the full version of the game, which was able to import my saved game. It was worth the money ».
Talos Principle - a philosophical puzzle game in the first person, where the player is in place reasonable robot. The developers of Croteam not the first time coming up with creative ways to protect their games from being copied. Three years ago, pirated copies of the game Serious Sam could meet with неубиваемым scorpion .
Source: geektimes.ru/post/243751/
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