How much money

- And how Pjaterochka? - I asked, still poorly understand the absurdity of such a question.
- For treshku give - he said.
I looked at him fearfully. It was an ordinary man in a dark coat and hat. On the nose sat round glasses for glasses were round eyes. Round and seems to be very honest eyes.
Hoax! - I thought. - Average rally. Well, let's see what the whole story is over ... ».
I gave him three rubles and took a five.
- Thank you, - he said quietly.
- Not worth it - I said. - Always a pleasure ... No more Pyatorochka?
- No! - He sighed. - Pyatorochka no more ... There desyatochka, but expensive ...
- How much? - I'm interested in.
- Seven rubles! - He said this figure, fearfully looked at me and immediately corrected himself: - Okay, I will give six.
- Go! - I said, and reached into his wallet.
I gave it a five and the ruble, he handed me a ten-ruble note "" I examined it carefully. As a dozen dozen! All watermarks, all the lines in place. Clearly not a fake.
"What the hell ?! - I'm cursed. - Because he's not drunk ... »
- Oh, look, I now have Pjaterochka! - He exclaimed happily. You're interested in ... Buy for three-ruble note?
- Of Course! - I said, patiently waiting for what this comedy is over.
The exchange took place. I gave him three, he told me - five.
- Treshnikov not trade? - I inquired.
- And how many of them give?
- Yes ruble a Treshnikov like at the time - I said hoarsely, feeling in the throat there was any lump.
- With pleasure, - he was delighted. - Take both Treshnikov.
About handed me six rubles and took two.
His face shone with happiness.
- I would not sell - he said - but, as they say, circumstances forced: they need money.
At this time, the brakes squealed and we stopped near the white car with a red cross. From it came the doctor and two young medic.
Seeing them, the man in the hat seemed suddenly drooped sadly sighed and went to meet them.
- What are you, darling? - With a smile, said the doctor. - Again, it means?
- I can not! - Hoarsely shouted the man in the hat. - I can not !!!
And dutifully sat in the car.
- Take! - I said, and handed the doctor money. - This is it ... Damn, I just did not think that it's insane?
- Acute psychosis! - The doctor said. - Depression!
- Why is he? - I asked.
- The writer he - the doctor said. - Novelist. New novel published. Thoughts there for a penny, and the book is worth eighty rubles ... That's his conscience and tortured ... ...
selling Fees - Poor fellow! - I sighed and walked away.
I walked down the street and looked at his feet. My mood was bad. All the time I remember his round glasses, behind which were round eyes. And his voice recalls, quiet, slightly husky. And a shy smile.
And yet for some reason reminded of my Research Institute. And the problem is that I'm developing. And the prize that I was given at the end of the quarter. And once in the chest stabbed something, but my head perelivistym ringing bell rang.
I first got stopped a passerby and groped in his pocket five-ruble piece of paper, said softly: "Do not buy? ..»
(Grigory Gorin. "How much money?»)