4 famous actor doing the same chips in every movie

Sprint - an act that creates a lot of problems for the actors. Many wonderful dancing and smoking in the frame, but ask them to run sprints, and most will look quite pale.
Tom Cruise, unlike most, a good sprinter. Moreover, sometimes there is a feeling that the sprint - it's the only way he knew to move.
Yes, and Cruz is clearly aware of what looks good while jogging. During his long film career, he spent a lot of time running from the giant alien spacecraft, fleeing from the Chinese chimney or simply running out from some bushes.

And as soon as it starts, even the great directors difficult to stop him. If you've seen the movie "Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol", you probably remember the match on the run in a sandstorm in Dubai, which lasted about 15 seconds.
Perhaps you will remember and chase scene in the movie "Collateral».
In "Mission: Impossible III» director stopped filming for an hour only to Cruz could run in Shanghai.
Sometimes in the film there is no particular reason to run somewhere, but our sprinter is not particularly bother.
In the movie "Jerry Maguire" Cruz accelerates and rushes through the airport, which is almost empty. No, he was not late for the plane or something like that. Just a movie is almost over, and Cruz has so far nowhere and ran. So ...
A similar situation was observed in the film "Vanilla Sky." Cruise's character was behind the wheel of a great car - and instead to squeeze out of it all possible, he jumps out and runs it.

Most movie stars trying to use its authority in order to possibly avoid unsightly scenes on the screen. That is why it seems strange that Tom Hanks as often uses his position to make us watch as he urinates (or asks for help).
The first such scene appears in the movie "League of Their Own." Another, even more symbolic, was featured in the movie "Forrest Gump" where the protagonist shakes hands with the president Kennedy, and take the opportunity to inform the fact that he would like "pee».
If these two things all over, for them it would be possible to forget.
But Gump - not the first character Hanks, saying "I have to pee." His character in the movie "suburb" explores the eerie home of his neighbors under the same pretext. In the art-house film "Road to Perdition" Hanks character uses his overactive bladder in order to escape from the killer.
Generally, when Hanks urinates on the screen, you can be sure there is something significant.
In the movie "League of Their Own" in this way shows the major conflict of his character, who refuses to let people into the locker room without a penis.
Another early comedy "Debt pit" character Hanks regularly pissing next to "write" a statue, and when he notices that the water from the statue shed unevenly wondered whether he had no problems with the prostate. "Debt pit" - a film about home repairs, home and later forced to pay for the Hanks character arrogance, destroying his marriage.
And this, incidentally, is not the only case where a hostile environment "revenge" the protagonist of the film, because he regularly "walks" on it. Another example of this can be seen in the movie "Apollo 13».
In the movie "Cast Away" the whole scene is devoted to answering the question that might come to mind only the character Hank: If you were trapped on a desert island, where would you have written?
Significant stage with the mention of urine is in the movie "Saving Private Ryan" (referred guy jet which was in the form of a letter «V») and in the movie "The Terminal" (Hanks' character was supposed to wait for an important call, and at the same time wanted to write). But the greatest achievement Hanks was "The Green Mile," in which the character Hank had serious problems with urination.
Brad Pitt on the screen consumes more calories than a shark from the movie "Jaws" and the dinosaurs of "Jurassic Park" together.
The journal «Vulture» compiled an exhaustive list of 60 different products that Pitt eats on the screen. This list does not include green apple, which he ate in "Fight Club" and a bag of chips from the movie "Seven».
All this will not seem strange as long as you do not try to think of any other actor who would eat in the film, that is actually put food in your mouth for a long time to chew and swallow it. Even if the scene of a movie filmed in the dining room, the directors try not too fixated on the process of eating.
Nobody really knows why directors nourish such a weakness for chewing Pitt.
Maybe they think it will make the actor closer to the audience: "Do not let his looks fool you! You see - he eats the same food as you do! "(In actual fact this is not true, of course. Pitt holds a special diet, but nonetheless pleasant thought).
Looking back at some of his best roles, it can be assumed that he uses acting career to deal with his oral fixation. Most viewers first saw it in the movie "12 Monkeys," in which Pitt played a madman who constantly uncontrollably biting his nails.
And in the movie "Moneyball" nominated for an Oscar, a character Pitt eats seeds, popcorn, french fries, Christmas cookies, biscuits "Twinkie" and a cheeseburger. But the most remarkable thing - that's how many times he licked his fingers, when flipping through those reports.
In most movies John Cusack there is one element that is not so easy to discern.
For example, in the movie "Vernyak" there is a scene in which he meets his passion.
A few years later came the picture "Say something," and in it there is a scene long since become a cult when Cusack character named Lloyd Dobler stands holding a boom box over his head high.
A few scenes earlier this character was talking on the phone while standing outside a telephone booth.
In the movie "High Fidelity," Cusack character is trying to regain his former girlfriends, playing progressive rock in front of their house.
What do all these scenes?
All of the above happened in the rain.
Of course, the rain looks good in romance, and helps to create the desired mood of the audience. However, sometimes it seems that Cusack just do not understand what the rain. Finally it became clear when he thriller "Contract" advises his son to climb a cliff during a rainstorm, it is not thinking about the fact that the rain rocks are slippery.
This "weather forgetfulness" would look great in romantic comedies, but when your side walks killer climb on wet rock - hence facilitate his work.