Ideas worthy introduction

Pre-tax cut by 50%

We all know that Christmas and New Year human costs a fortune. The Norwegian government has to think about it and decided to halve income tax in November to give taxpayers more money on purchases in December and January.
Free set of infant care for all mothers

Every Finnish woman expecting a child, the state provides a special "mother box» (Maternity Box) with free set of infant care. It includes a mattress, bedding, sleeping bag, overalls, socks, diapers, diapers and a number of accessories - almost everything Mom would need to care for a newborn. The box even splits as a cot. This idea has been implemented to ensure all children have equal opportunities in life start, regardless of the level of welfare of the family in which they were born. This program has helped Finland to achieve one of the lowest infant mortality rates in the world.
Free travel on the subway, in exchange for squats

Struggling for a healthy lifestyle, as well as to inspire people in sports mood before the Sochi Winter Olympics, metro station "Exhibition" in Moscow took squats as payment for monthly fare. It was necessary to sit down 30 times in two minutes to get free travel.
Lottery drawing among drivers model
In Stockholm, Sweden, part of the fines collected for speeding, are given in the lottery. Drivers who have not been seen in any offenses automatically participate in the lottery and have a chance to win a cash prize for safe driving. Motorists receive vouchers worth up to $ 3,000.
Readers will shorten the life imprisonment

Prisoners in Brazil could reduce his sentence in prison, reading books and giving them written reports. Each report adequate equate to four days of freedom. During the year, a maximum of 48 days, liberated, it is possible to write an essay on 12 books. The idea is to help people get out of prison more enlightened, educated and less likely to commit crimes. Among inmates who participate in the program, a decrease in criminal relapse by 30%.
Decriminalization of drug use

National oil fund for future generations

All the money earned from the sale of oil and gasoline in Norway sent to the world's largest sovereign wealth fund. As of January 2014 in this piggy bank were 5 110 000 000 000 828 000 000 000 kroons. Dollars. The Foundation preserve and multiply to ensure the prosperity of future generations when oil reserves are exhausted.
Formation of penalties for the offense on the basis of income

«Dagsboter», which translates roughly as "day rate" is the penalty for non-violent crimes in Finland and Sweden. If a person is fined 30 «dagsboter», it means that all of its income for 30 days will be removed in the form of penalties. This type of punishment is considered as a "financial prison", it keeps people from crime, regardless of their wealth. This system has led to the fact that a resident of Finland, earning 11 million dollars a year, been fined an amount equivalent to $ 200 000 for speeding.
Paid garbage collection

In order to combat the German city landfill waste is weighed and charged at four dollars per kilo ejected debris. As a result, people are almost all sort or compost, which is much cheaper and more humane in relation to the environment.
Compulsory voting

When it comes to election time in Australia, each resident has to have their say. Otherwise, a person is waiting for a penalty. Therefore, in the polling stations are 95% of voters. Those who do not wish to vote, but also do not want to be fined, as a rule, draw on forms phallic image.
Anonymous analysis of drugs

In the Netherlands, opened an anonymous service that offers a free analysis on illegal ** Otik without fear of being arrested. Results of the study include a list of all the ingredients, side effects and consequences in case of overdose. As a result, the country has decreased the mortality rate associated with the use of at ** Otik.
Free trips to museums for all new citizens

When immigrants in Canada has officially become citizens of the country, they receive a free annual subscription to the passage of thousands of museums and cultural centers across Canada. This ticket helps new citizens to get acquainted with a rich cultural heritage, art and national parks.
Free travel at government car

As in Cuba very few cars, hitchhiking - a common occurrence. In fact, government vehicles, including police officers, are obliged by law to pick up hitchhikers and haul them to the right place.
Paid maternity and child care

United States - the only developed country that does not guarantee paid maternity leave for working mothers. To date, the most generous in this respect was the Czech Republic. Here mothers receive from 14 to 28 weeks of maternity leave. Moreover, mom and dad newborn babies can take paid leave for the state to 48 months.
Children school fees

To ensure 100% attendance, high school students in Sweden pay monthly an amount equivalent to 187 dollars. This program helps students pay for school supplies and motivates come to classes.
State sponsors se * with disabled

In the Netherlands, citizens with disabilities receive government money to pay for lo ** ualnyh services up to 12 times a year. This program has led to a sharp decrease in depression among people with disabilities, many of whom have never had the opportunity to know her se ** ualnost.
Citizens supervised account the country's social networks
Each week, the official Twitter account of Sweden in charge of a random citizen of this country. The idea is to highlight the diversity and progressiveness of Sweden through individual views of its citizens. This week, the curator made Pernilla, who described himself as a "mom, girl, geek, nerd sports, cat lady, ornithologist and lover of trees."
Mandatory bicycle control
In the Netherlands, children around the age of 10 years are required to pass a written and practical test for cycling. This means that by the time when they are older, more than 30% will use bicycles as a primary mode of transport. Near the Central Station of Groningen built parking for 10,000 bicycles. This program has led to a sharp decline in demand for cars, resulting in decreased levels of traffic congestion, and reduce pollution.
Paid sick leave
In Europe, paid sick leave provided for by the legislation to reduce the spread of infection. Studies have shown that during the swine flu pandemic 8 million Americans went to work in an unhealthy state, many of them with flu symptoms. United States - one of the few developed countries that do not provide paid sick leave or for a short or a long period.