Retro Console "Pintendo" with his own hands for a girl

Printed on the body of 3-d printer, color chose white and the lower part - gray. Glue them gray ribbon.

Painted its logo "Pintendo" with a marker. Usb-hub glued to the bottom of the future set-top boxes. It is self powered hub yusb which also supplies the shemku RPi.

Screw the board and connected to RPi pitalniku. It turned out gently. The back side has access to hdmi.

That's what happened.

This baby can emulate and run all games for Supernintendo, Dandy, Atari, Amiga, and others. The controller made by Supernintedno.

And the main thing works! True tuning controller took time.

It turned out this way.

Deletraz: «I am almost a professional! Does that go sony consoles design;) »
When enabled, the LED shines a little from the Nurse, but oh well. All.