Better than "Aeron»: Herman Miller Mirra 2 - the dream of the boom
According to old tradition, every 4 years Habré Giktaymse review should appear chair Herman Miller. (How many seats since'll sit!) At this time, the post will be about the Herman Miller Mirra 2 - the successor of the famous "Aeron", which to that later - and even cheaper "Aeron" (but still dorogoy , if that).
I'll start with a little background: it turns out, "Aeron" produced and vypsukayutsya in three sizes - for small, medium and thick ass, respectively. The first option - for women and children, the second - for the rest, the third - well, American-made chair, so no third option it was impossible ( boomburum , what size do you, by the way?).
In the case of "Mira" the manufacturer has decided to approach the problem from the other end of sizes, releasing a chair with a maximum number of adjustments that have to step up literally everything.
In total I counted eleven adjustments:
1. Seat height adjustment, four height in increments of 5 cm - 45-50-55-60 cm from the floor.
2. Three adjust armrests:

I'll start with a little background: it turns out, "Aeron" produced and vypsukayutsya in three sizes - for small, medium and thick ass, respectively. The first option - for women and children, the second - for the rest, the third - well, American-made chair, so no third option it was impossible ( boomburum , what size do you, by the way?).

In the case of "Mira" the manufacturer has decided to approach the problem from the other end of sizes, releasing a chair with a maximum number of adjustments that have to step up literally everything.

In total I counted eleven adjustments:
1. Seat height adjustment, four height in increments of 5 cm - 45-50-55-60 cm from the floor.
2. Three adjust armrests:
- Wide (for thick)
- on the flight (for those who have long arms)
- the angle. Brackets (height armrests) just under the palms 3. Adjusting the stiffness of the back. Special kruglyash reminiscent of the one in the car adjusts the angle of the backrest is responsible for its rigidity: it has a lot of speed (approximately 50 half-turns, ie as much as 25), which can adjust the tension of the mesh from ejecting the hard option to almost relaxing hammock :
The correct version - with a relaxed position when the stock is back and forth.
4. Adjust the depth (departure) seats.
5. Adjust the lumbar support: two handles allow it to weaken or, conversely, to create significant pressure in this area.
6. At this adjustment has a second dimension: it varies in height - which is logical, since lower back all at different heights. In general, where the felt - there and do the waist.
7. Lowering the backrest. Two steps petals unfold: 0, 1, 2: the zero position is fixed back almost vertically, with minimal progress in a couple of degrees, in the interim - you can sit thoughtfully, and when fully lowered petal back leans at an angle of almost 45 degrees - a rocking chair.
8. Adjusting the angle of the seat and the backrest. This lobe is located immediately before the adjustment lever which controls the backrest. This adjustment allows you to select one of two modes: normal and working. Their switch, you must first fully otkuinutsya ago. In the upper position is fixed lobe normal position backrest described above. If, leaning back, switch the tab down - when returning back to straighten back stronger and seat leaned forward slightly - the angle between them does not change, but they are strongly inclined forward, as if pushing forward the user - and in fact, following the posture of the user, leaning to the computer, and providing support to his back. Of course, manage all this is simple - easy to hand reaches for the petals adjustments in all positions.
9. The angle of slope of the front seats:
In addition to active adjustments, there are a number of passive elements of comfort. First of all, is a form of back (passive adjustment): grid cells vary in size - from the bottom stiffer top softer. The idea is to keep the bottom (Save) spine, which accounts for the maximum load. Net Dupont has no memory effect: it can not sit.
To deal with this economy it easy - all in principle at hand (raze it to the lumbar adjustment selection should be pulled) - know, anyway, until it becomes comfortable. Knowledge of "how" is more important. Buyer seats it gets along with the very chair in a booklet with visual images that are provided. One explanation s most important goal - the ride height must be adjusted so that the angle of the knee was straight and armrest - the angle of the hand was blunt (relaxed hand).
Anterior lobe: 5 degrees.
Where is the headrest? H4> On that occasion, I asked for a visit to the Contract Interiors and inquired about one interest - the lack - of the chair: headrest.
As a separate item seats headrests emerged relatively recently - as part of car seats. Became a pioneer company Volvo (which first began to use seat belts, by the way), and they used the head restraints to protect the head from the rear impact crashes - to avoid tipping the head and a broken neck. At home, this overload protection is not required - the neck of a healthy person is fully capable to keep your head on your shoulders without outside help.
Even leaning in "Mira" to spit at the ceiling, feeling dummy head on a spring does not arise. Not that this has convinced me completely - after all usage scenarios seats are different, for example, someone might want to pokemarit it - but in everyday use need to headrest I have never been overpowered. We can say that the need for the headrest of the discharge phantom - it is felt only when you remember about it.
My past chair - a gift that is three times cheaper "Mira" - was the headrest. I have repeatedly tried to set it up so that the head restraint is constantly propped back of my head - but it has never failed me, that is, I felt the head restraint only when reclined on him entirely. I was sure that this is a bug - either me or the chair. After "Myrrh" I basically almost believed that head restraints at home / work chair and really do not need.
Almost - because the same "Aeron" headrest as an option still exists.
Mirra vs «Bureaucrat» h4> Since this is not the first time my chair, picked up in the search for ergonomic and orthopedic ideal, it would be wrong not to make a small comparison blitz "Myrrh" with the my former chair . Full comparative review, unfortunately, will not work, because I sold the "bureaucracy" when moving a few months ago.
Conspicuous differences are not so much. Buro have fewer settings (armrests can not be adjusted by the dispersion, there is no such thing as an adjustment zhёtsokosti back or lumbar support). That there is a skin - literally - is the quality of the material. In both cases, it is textiles, but "bureaucracy" he rude - periodically back pochёsyvalas. Cloth "Myrrh" much more humane to the material, which is covered with the surface of men - it was a great relief for me! But in both cases, what is the net - a plus for the hottest of days.
Other qualities of the category of those that are checked when you put the twins in these chairs, and spend a year of measurement. "Mirra" should be of high quality - say, Buro from the very beginning was a small, non-lethal, but very annoying backlash armrests. For Herman Miller is difficult to imagine, the guarantee on the chair - 12 years. And users to assemble, by the way, are not allowed - "Mirra" brought in already assembled in a huge box.
Mirra vs Aeron h4>
By all measures, it turns out that Mirra 2 modern and better "Aeron" - but why cheaper? Honestly, I have not heard a satisfactory answer to this question, because it lies somewhere in the area of components and materials. Like, the new chair - new suppliers, best price. In this case, Aeron is still for sale, and sold successfully. The reason for that, and promoted brand, and probably its price - at some level, especially when it comes to corporate customers, the price is considered as an indicator of quality.
The passive adjustment in the form of a mesh back "Myrrh" is clearly visible when compared with the "Aeron» i>
Mirra is not lower class, more functional - it can buy remotely, and not be afraid that you will not get a resolution. And it looks a little more modern. Actually, this is my case - I took it delivered to another city. To review, I decided to make a turquoise chair, which stopped in the Moscow office of Contract Interiors - I thank them for this opportunity and answers to questions, without which this text would leave far less informative.
P.S. Prices for seats in Russia remain unchanged until at least the end of the year. What will happen next - I was not told, but I think that growth is inevitable.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/241362/