Google has shown a printed circuit board for a working prototype modular smartphone Google Ara

Google Inc. continues to implement the idea of a modular smartphone device which could replace individual modules, in order to prolong the life of the "base". This smartphone, according to the company, could last for 5 years, possibly longer.
Now the corporation even accelerated the pace of work on the project. As a demonstration project progresses, developers showed photo printed circuit board of one of the prototypes of modular smartphone. Prototype and received its own name - Spiral 2.
The board is already visible to the naked eye connectors for individual modules. As far as we can judge, the prototype Spiral 2 project is closest to the vision of the architect Project Ara.
About how will actually be modular smartphone, developers promise to tell two-conference, which will take place on January 14 in Mountain View, Buenos Aires, London and New York, as well as on January 21 in Singapore, Bangalore, Shanghai, Tokyo and Taipei. There will also be organized and broadcast, for those wishing to participate in the conference remotely. Apply to participate in the трансляции You can here .
Source: geektimes.ru/post/242837/
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