Water on Earth is not brought comet? Surprise from the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko

Probe Philae now "asleep", but the data obtained for the device 60 waking hours, scientists will analyze for a long time. Now there are the results of analysis of water (water vapor) from the comet, and the results are presented is not very pleasant surprise to supporters of the theory of занесении water on Earth comets . This theory states that in the early history of the Earth's surface bombardment by comets was commonplace event. Comet was a lot of water on the comets - even more, a total of one - the oceans and seas in the world are the result of the bombardment of our planet by comets. But the results of the analysis of water from the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko, tell a different story. The fact that this is much more water дейтерия (Heavy hydrogen) than water in the earth. Deuterium "comet water" three times greater than the earth in water.
Catherine Altvegg (Kathrin Altwegg), Research Program Manager ROSINA (scientific instrument that measures the amount of water evaporated comet, as well as analyzes of gases and water vapor emanating from the nucleus of the comet as it approaches the Sun) , считает, that the major suppliers of water to ancient Earth were not comets and asteroids from the Kuiper belt. Now, according to Altvegg, asteroids - is mostly stone objects with a minimum of water (in the form of ice) on the surface. But the 3, 8 billion years ago, asteroids were richer in water, and falling asteroids on Earth also happens quite often.
To be fair to point out that the analysis of water other comets (closer to the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko - not the first in the history of space exploration by humans) showed approximately similar composition to the Earth's water. But strange picture exhibited by the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko violates harmonious and serene hitherto theory of transport of water on Earth by these cosmic wanderers.
If researchers can wake Philae, then another research tool, Ptolemy, will conduct a more detailed analysis of water from a comet. Another possibility - the analysis of water vapor when passing through the Rosetta comet tail, while convergence of the comet with the sun.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/242817/
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