NASA is lying about the comet IONS
That's gone to his head to the site Land - chronicles life and read an article.
Even I was scared ... like nonsense, I want to believe that nonsense ... again. Say that all this is a lie, pzhalsta
Professor James McCain says that NASA is lying about Comet ISON and it warns of the danger. The remote has a YouTube video he tells us that we should expect relatively comet ISON in the near future. In particular, McCain says to us is approaching an object that represents a "small solar system." All of the climate anomalies that we see on Earth, is a consequence of the approximation of the object. Professional astronomers and military conduct surveillance of the object and prepare for his arrival. The general public is informed nothing. Professor encourages all well prepared. Have supplies of clean water, food, fuel for vehicles, and to be away from big cities.
Translated into Russian posts McCain: "Since June, astronomers, scientists and the military in many countries sosredotochny astronomers in Australia, where conducted the most comprehensive and careful monitoring of the" comet ", which is essentially a mini-solar system. The consequences of its impact and influence on the Earth, and will be, and already is, a dramatic and largely disastrous. People are kept ignorant as to avoid panic, but professr believes that people need to know and be prepared for this izmeneniyam.Nevazhno, they believe in it or do not believe, like his close friend. He said that the actual event will take place in a few weeks and asked to forget the date, nobody knows it, and on the evening news of it did not declare. It's just come in one day. He focuses on the fact that there was water, food, medical supplies, especially natural oils treatment (??? burns skin and tissue ???). We should leave, if possible, the big cities, or at least have a place to get away. As an approximation, it recommends that the event to focus on the processes occurring in space. There will be a large number of comets and the appearance of the moons around planets that have never had them. He promised to keep in touch with what's going on. "It is possible that professors of law and that there is something that we do not know, but in the United States know and prepare for it. The facts gathered by the site Ultimate Survival, of course, you might be interested in, and show that the US government knows what we do not know. Influence of arrival "Comets» ISON may happen sooner than you think. If you look at the timeline given by the US government for the preparation of the mandates of FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency and the DHS (Department of Homeland Security), you will see that everything seems to revolve around the important deadline - October 1, 2013!
This is a list of terms, compiled by Peter Kling, who also appears in the video interview, located below called "How to survive Armageddon. This spooky stuff! Here is the list: -82% of our combat forces and their components must be security in the region outside the CONUS (see. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contiguous_United_States Continental states, US territories, which includes 48 states and the District of Columbia) by 1 October. -Antibiotki By $ 11 million to be delivered to the Region III FEMA by October 1, commissioned by the CDC; -FEMA Make an order for the purchase of more than $ 14, 2 million. Rations heaters and food to be delivered in Region III as of 1 October; -FEMA Placed an order for 22 million. Emergency packages with water, which should be delivered in Region III as of 1 October; -FEMA Ordered for $ 13, 6 million. Rations heaters and food to be delivered to Austin before October 1; -2800 MRAPs (Protected by undermining and attack from ambush, wheeled armored vehicle with increased mine-protected) are to be delivered in Region III to October 1st. Thus, FEMA, obviously preparing for something big, as the statistics above. And what about the American military and various other countries of the United Nations? Here's what we know: - nine-course UN peacekeepers in the CONUS to study the characteristics of the war in the city, the British and American weapons systems, at the beginning of the 4th week of July to 386,000 troops, which will be completed by October 1; - Ban on vacation only to the US military for the period from September 28 until November 5. - All agents of the Department of Homeland Security should be certified on the skill with a pistol, a shotgun and an AR-15 (American self-loading rifle chambered 5, 56 × 45 mm.) By 28 September.
No mention of the annual evaluation of the use of weapons of temporary defeat (non-lethal weapons). - All units of the National Guard must have completed training in crowd control and disaster relief during the year at the annual two-week training. All units must complete the full training cycle until September 30. Of course, for some it sounds like a military training around the world to something big. Also ... What about communications systems in emergency situations? We see: Daily testing emergency broadcast system (Emergency Broadcast System), must be made on September 25 and after October 2nd. - Coast Guard Division, the eastern-based mass must pass training, which is usually carried out in the Gulf region, areas of Virginia and Delaware. This 10-day training mission to begin on 26 September. Due to the fact that Comet ISON is approaching, let's ask ourselves: do you not think that we should be prepared for what awaits us in the near future? Finally a strange coincidence. 1 October US stops Space radar system «Space Fence» (Radar Network was part of the US space surveillance, and is said to have had the opportunity to detect objects as small as 10 cm at a height of up to 30 000 km). After 50 years of work! Why now?
Source: earth-chronicles.ru/news/2013-09-16-51119-0-2 and a little more from this site
Comet ISON has been on the fringes of news lately. What is it a phenomenon and what it so special? It all started with the fact that last year, the Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams department received excellent news. It was stated that astronomers from Belarus and Russia has opened a new unknown comet that could be one of the brightest comets in recent decades, if not stoletiya.Pervye confirm the data laid out by astronomers from Russia and Belarus, not long in coming. The second and decisive surveillance conducted astronomer Otabek Burhonov on its 1.5-meter reflector located in Maydanskaya Observatory in Uzbekistan. On confirming the images clearly visible coma elongated dimensions 9x11 arcseconds. Integral brilliance emitted by the object was 17.1m. In other words, an astronomer Burhonov confirmed the discovery of our compatriots and even more, he asserted that the comet Ayson exists and moves in the direction of the Earth. This was followed by other shots, proving how the discovery of astronomers, and the importance of comet science. So the scientist William Ryan of local observatories Magdalena Ridge singled to center the photo and the presence of the seal of the tail, characteristic of comets. Ie Ryan confirmed that the object (comet ISON) is actually a comet and not something else. Images of a similar nature have also been obtained by researchers at the Observatory Remantsakko. The astronomers Ernesto Guido, Giovanni Sostero and Nick Howes, make the last shots, rushed to congratulate their colleagues with the opening of the CIS. Comet IONS - the brightest comet that will be able to see the current generation. By the way, the new comet discovered by our compatriots, this is the fourth similar object, open domestic researchers, beginning with the year 2009. Also became the second comet IONS objects open on the territory of Russia. The first discovery was made in 1989 and astronomer Novichonkom Gerke. However, we are not interested in self discovery, although it is important for science, and a comet. First, try to answer a few simple questions. Will the comet IONS brightest comet of the last few decades? And where now there is a comet? The answer to the second question - where is Comet ISON - simple. While the subject is beyond the orbit of Jupiter to repentance no more than 6 astronomical units from the star of our system. Luster of the comet is 18m, which, unfortunately, makes it invisible to visual observation to standard telescopes. However, the comet IONS can be considered in professional equipment. What we advise you and sdelat.Kometa ISON in 2013 to change its position, which is obvious. In the near future, to be exact, in November 2013, it rapidly approaches the Sun at a distance of 1.9 million kilometers. And this, by the way, is 100 times less than the distance from the Sun to the planet. If the comet is somehow able to avoid destruction (astronomers are not yet give an accurate comment on the matter), it is without a doubt become the brightest object in the sky, and the moon is eclipsed, and the sun. However, do not get ahead of ourselves. After all, before the comet IONS will be visible to the naked eye, still live and live. In addition, data on the comet's orbit is preliminary. The scientists even do not speak about it openly, but do not act with denials. One of the most important parameters of calculation of the orbit of a comet which will be held IONS - eccentricity is, simply put - elongated orbit of the object. The fact is that the eccentricity is not yet known. If the index exceeds one, the comet can be easily entered into the family of original solar facilities Kreutz. If e is equal to 1, then the orbit is parabolic. This means that the comet entered the solar system from the farthest outskirts of the Oort cloud. Most researchers are inclined to the second option. But again, that is not the official denials, no evidence of this theory is expressed not. It is obvious that in the near future, maybe even from day to day, will shed light on the future of the object, which is the comet C / S1 2012 ISON. We can only wait. S1 2012 Comet ISON, its analogs, and expert opinion. Comet without exaggeration, is one of the brightest celestial objects. But what the subtext is hiding behind its approach and hiding at all? It has long been believed that a comet in the sky - it's a bad sign. This question set journalists INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES. Their opinion is simple: "The comet 2012 S1 ISON - a promising object that actually can be a harbinger of bad events." That's what they say foreign astronomers, researchers and journalists on the subject: "comet will likely be able to become the brightest object in the sky in the last 10 and possibly 100 years old, if she comes close enough to the sun." This is the opinion astronomer Karen Meech of the University of Hawaii. Also, the astronomer adds: "It would be wrong to say that it is too early to draw any specific conclusions about what will happen to the comet. As you know, the behavior of comets unpredictable ".Prichem is a bad sign? Who will understand. It has been suggested, including in research circles that the comet could lead the whole batch of larger space bodies. Or it is the first in the list of objects approaching the Earth. Kind of intelligence, which comes after many others, but much larger bodies. All this may hint at a link S1 comet ISON 2012 and the end of the world in 2013. It is believed that at the time Nostradamus was made very sad prediction: Dad, what will replace Benedict XVI, will be forced to flee from Rome, hiding from the punishment of the powers. It will happen when the sky will rise second sun. Could it be that we have described a comet is thus the second sun? Who knows?! But there is another fact points to the veracity of the words of Nostradamus. In religious circles have long been rumored that the pope Francisco is 262nd head of the Catholic Church, will be the last who has been in office. What is it? Again, unknown. One can only guess what is coming collapse of the church building, and together with it or after it will come the collapse of the world, ie, the end of the world. While all this is no more than words and hypotheses that may become a reality, and perhaps not. We, in turn, let us recall that in 2012 S1 Comet ISON - even the clearest, but not the first space object, who visited the sky Earth. Not so long ago, namely at the end of 2011, the expanse of the earth visited Comet Lovejoy, which also is one of the Kreutz comets.
Even I was scared ... like nonsense, I want to believe that nonsense ... again. Say that all this is a lie, pzhalsta
Professor James McCain says that NASA is lying about Comet ISON and it warns of the danger. The remote has a YouTube video he tells us that we should expect relatively comet ISON in the near future. In particular, McCain says to us is approaching an object that represents a "small solar system." All of the climate anomalies that we see on Earth, is a consequence of the approximation of the object. Professional astronomers and military conduct surveillance of the object and prepare for his arrival. The general public is informed nothing. Professor encourages all well prepared. Have supplies of clean water, food, fuel for vehicles, and to be away from big cities.

Translated into Russian posts McCain: "Since June, astronomers, scientists and the military in many countries sosredotochny astronomers in Australia, where conducted the most comprehensive and careful monitoring of the" comet ", which is essentially a mini-solar system. The consequences of its impact and influence on the Earth, and will be, and already is, a dramatic and largely disastrous. People are kept ignorant as to avoid panic, but professr believes that people need to know and be prepared for this izmeneniyam.Nevazhno, they believe in it or do not believe, like his close friend. He said that the actual event will take place in a few weeks and asked to forget the date, nobody knows it, and on the evening news of it did not declare. It's just come in one day. He focuses on the fact that there was water, food, medical supplies, especially natural oils treatment (??? burns skin and tissue ???). We should leave, if possible, the big cities, or at least have a place to get away. As an approximation, it recommends that the event to focus on the processes occurring in space. There will be a large number of comets and the appearance of the moons around planets that have never had them. He promised to keep in touch with what's going on. "It is possible that professors of law and that there is something that we do not know, but in the United States know and prepare for it. The facts gathered by the site Ultimate Survival, of course, you might be interested in, and show that the US government knows what we do not know. Influence of arrival "Comets» ISON may happen sooner than you think. If you look at the timeline given by the US government for the preparation of the mandates of FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency and the DHS (Department of Homeland Security), you will see that everything seems to revolve around the important deadline - October 1, 2013!

This is a list of terms, compiled by Peter Kling, who also appears in the video interview, located below called "How to survive Armageddon. This spooky stuff! Here is the list: -82% of our combat forces and their components must be security in the region outside the CONUS (see. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contiguous_United_States Continental states, US territories, which includes 48 states and the District of Columbia) by 1 October. -Antibiotki By $ 11 million to be delivered to the Region III FEMA by October 1, commissioned by the CDC; -FEMA Make an order for the purchase of more than $ 14, 2 million. Rations heaters and food to be delivered in Region III as of 1 October; -FEMA Placed an order for 22 million. Emergency packages with water, which should be delivered in Region III as of 1 October; -FEMA Ordered for $ 13, 6 million. Rations heaters and food to be delivered to Austin before October 1; -2800 MRAPs (Protected by undermining and attack from ambush, wheeled armored vehicle with increased mine-protected) are to be delivered in Region III to October 1st. Thus, FEMA, obviously preparing for something big, as the statistics above. And what about the American military and various other countries of the United Nations? Here's what we know: - nine-course UN peacekeepers in the CONUS to study the characteristics of the war in the city, the British and American weapons systems, at the beginning of the 4th week of July to 386,000 troops, which will be completed by October 1; - Ban on vacation only to the US military for the period from September 28 until November 5. - All agents of the Department of Homeland Security should be certified on the skill with a pistol, a shotgun and an AR-15 (American self-loading rifle chambered 5, 56 × 45 mm.) By 28 September.
No mention of the annual evaluation of the use of weapons of temporary defeat (non-lethal weapons). - All units of the National Guard must have completed training in crowd control and disaster relief during the year at the annual two-week training. All units must complete the full training cycle until September 30. Of course, for some it sounds like a military training around the world to something big. Also ... What about communications systems in emergency situations? We see: Daily testing emergency broadcast system (Emergency Broadcast System), must be made on September 25 and after October 2nd. - Coast Guard Division, the eastern-based mass must pass training, which is usually carried out in the Gulf region, areas of Virginia and Delaware. This 10-day training mission to begin on 26 September. Due to the fact that Comet ISON is approaching, let's ask ourselves: do you not think that we should be prepared for what awaits us in the near future? Finally a strange coincidence. 1 October US stops Space radar system «Space Fence» (Radar Network was part of the US space surveillance, and is said to have had the opportunity to detect objects as small as 10 cm at a height of up to 30 000 km). After 50 years of work! Why now?
Source: earth-chronicles.ru/news/2013-09-16-51119-0-2 and a little more from this site
Comet ISON has been on the fringes of news lately. What is it a phenomenon and what it so special? It all started with the fact that last year, the Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams department received excellent news. It was stated that astronomers from Belarus and Russia has opened a new unknown comet that could be one of the brightest comets in recent decades, if not stoletiya.Pervye confirm the data laid out by astronomers from Russia and Belarus, not long in coming. The second and decisive surveillance conducted astronomer Otabek Burhonov on its 1.5-meter reflector located in Maydanskaya Observatory in Uzbekistan. On confirming the images clearly visible coma elongated dimensions 9x11 arcseconds. Integral brilliance emitted by the object was 17.1m. In other words, an astronomer Burhonov confirmed the discovery of our compatriots and even more, he asserted that the comet Ayson exists and moves in the direction of the Earth. This was followed by other shots, proving how the discovery of astronomers, and the importance of comet science. So the scientist William Ryan of local observatories Magdalena Ridge singled to center the photo and the presence of the seal of the tail, characteristic of comets. Ie Ryan confirmed that the object (comet ISON) is actually a comet and not something else. Images of a similar nature have also been obtained by researchers at the Observatory Remantsakko. The astronomers Ernesto Guido, Giovanni Sostero and Nick Howes, make the last shots, rushed to congratulate their colleagues with the opening of the CIS. Comet IONS - the brightest comet that will be able to see the current generation. By the way, the new comet discovered by our compatriots, this is the fourth similar object, open domestic researchers, beginning with the year 2009. Also became the second comet IONS objects open on the territory of Russia. The first discovery was made in 1989 and astronomer Novichonkom Gerke. However, we are not interested in self discovery, although it is important for science, and a comet. First, try to answer a few simple questions. Will the comet IONS brightest comet of the last few decades? And where now there is a comet? The answer to the second question - where is Comet ISON - simple. While the subject is beyond the orbit of Jupiter to repentance no more than 6 astronomical units from the star of our system. Luster of the comet is 18m, which, unfortunately, makes it invisible to visual observation to standard telescopes. However, the comet IONS can be considered in professional equipment. What we advise you and sdelat.Kometa ISON in 2013 to change its position, which is obvious. In the near future, to be exact, in November 2013, it rapidly approaches the Sun at a distance of 1.9 million kilometers. And this, by the way, is 100 times less than the distance from the Sun to the planet. If the comet is somehow able to avoid destruction (astronomers are not yet give an accurate comment on the matter), it is without a doubt become the brightest object in the sky, and the moon is eclipsed, and the sun. However, do not get ahead of ourselves. After all, before the comet IONS will be visible to the naked eye, still live and live. In addition, data on the comet's orbit is preliminary. The scientists even do not speak about it openly, but do not act with denials. One of the most important parameters of calculation of the orbit of a comet which will be held IONS - eccentricity is, simply put - elongated orbit of the object. The fact is that the eccentricity is not yet known. If the index exceeds one, the comet can be easily entered into the family of original solar facilities Kreutz. If e is equal to 1, then the orbit is parabolic. This means that the comet entered the solar system from the farthest outskirts of the Oort cloud. Most researchers are inclined to the second option. But again, that is not the official denials, no evidence of this theory is expressed not. It is obvious that in the near future, maybe even from day to day, will shed light on the future of the object, which is the comet C / S1 2012 ISON. We can only wait. S1 2012 Comet ISON, its analogs, and expert opinion. Comet without exaggeration, is one of the brightest celestial objects. But what the subtext is hiding behind its approach and hiding at all? It has long been believed that a comet in the sky - it's a bad sign. This question set journalists INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES. Their opinion is simple: "The comet 2012 S1 ISON - a promising object that actually can be a harbinger of bad events." That's what they say foreign astronomers, researchers and journalists on the subject: "comet will likely be able to become the brightest object in the sky in the last 10 and possibly 100 years old, if she comes close enough to the sun." This is the opinion astronomer Karen Meech of the University of Hawaii. Also, the astronomer adds: "It would be wrong to say that it is too early to draw any specific conclusions about what will happen to the comet. As you know, the behavior of comets unpredictable ".Prichem is a bad sign? Who will understand. It has been suggested, including in research circles that the comet could lead the whole batch of larger space bodies. Or it is the first in the list of objects approaching the Earth. Kind of intelligence, which comes after many others, but much larger bodies. All this may hint at a link S1 comet ISON 2012 and the end of the world in 2013. It is believed that at the time Nostradamus was made very sad prediction: Dad, what will replace Benedict XVI, will be forced to flee from Rome, hiding from the punishment of the powers. It will happen when the sky will rise second sun. Could it be that we have described a comet is thus the second sun? Who knows?! But there is another fact points to the veracity of the words of Nostradamus. In religious circles have long been rumored that the pope Francisco is 262nd head of the Catholic Church, will be the last who has been in office. What is it? Again, unknown. One can only guess what is coming collapse of the church building, and together with it or after it will come the collapse of the world, ie, the end of the world. While all this is no more than words and hypotheses that may become a reality, and perhaps not. We, in turn, let us recall that in 2012 S1 Comet ISON - even the clearest, but not the first space object, who visited the sky Earth. Not so long ago, namely at the end of 2011, the expanse of the earth visited Comet Lovejoy, which also is one of the Kreutz comets.