Scientists have mapped the surface of the nucleus of comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko

Despite the fact that the probe Philae still does not work, researchers studying the comet project from Churyumov- Gerasymenko able to receive large amounts of data about the object. On Thursday, scientists have published a number of articles in Science, with information on the most important points on the comet.
"The picture is beginning to emerge into a whole», комментирует success specialists Paul Weissman of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Most of the materials published in Science, based on the analysis of data obtained by scientists from April to September. Data obtained later processed now, and will be published shortly.
One article says that most of the gases from the comet's nucleus, distinguished mainly from the "isthmus", the narrowest part of the kernel. In another article, researchers give several images to map the surface of the comet. Heterogeneous parts are grouped by properties, and named after the Egyptian deities.
The comet's surface is very heterogeneous - there is a kind of "mountain", and depression have a depth of about 200 meters.

In this picture and sharper version can be distinguished bands that scientists have identified as a jet of gas escaping from beneath the surface i>
Maximum activity emissions will be in August this year, at the time of closest approach to the Sun, the comet. It was at this time can be observed very active ejections comet's nucleus into space.
As mentioned earlier, the study of comets is very important in the light of data on the evolution of the solar system. Scientists believe that the substance of the comet has not undergone significant changes for the 4, 5 billion years. Perhaps, in the analysis of data collected by scientists will be able to explain how much water fell to Earth. Some data on the composition of cometary water has caused surprise scientists - the fact that this water is much more deuterium (heavy hydrogen) than in the Earth's water. Deuterium "comet water" three times greater than the earth in water. This may be evidence that comets were not the source of water for the Earth.
With regard to probe the chances for the resumption of the probe is very high. Comet approaches the Sun, changes its position relative to the light on the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko will come soon "summer". With high probability we can say that the sun's rays will fall directly on the solar cells of the probe, and the latter will receive the right amount of energy to operate. Before you shut down Philae, scientists were able to turn the probe 35 degrees, oriented the battery directly at the light source.

Now, all that can be done - it's coming. "I am confident that we re-establish contact with the Philae and will be able to use scientific instruments," - said the head of the mission «Rosetta» Stefan Ulamek.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/244752/
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