New images of the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko

Prior to the landing of the probe to the surface of the comet Philae P76 will have to wait a few more months (landing only 14 will be held this November). But now scientists have enough data about the comet, and the data that no station can not get Rosetta.
In particular, scientists already know that the comet nucleus consists of two parts, and it is unclear - it stuck together two different nuclei of comets, or a deformed nucleus of the comet. The surface of the "halves" differs. If the "head" of the comet is covered by linear parallel formation, similar to the cliffs, the "body" of the comet has an uneven surface, with the "valleys" and "peaks".
In addition, it was found that the comet is warmer than expected astronomers, the comet's surface temperature is -70 degrees Celsius. It seems that the comet nucleus is nestled dark dust, which is the cause of elevated temperature.
Well, and now Rosetta literally every day sends new pictures surface of the object of his study:

Photo of 16 August (93, 5 km from the comet)

Photo of 15 August (91 km from the comet)

Photo of 14 August (100 miles)

Stereizobrazhenie, picture "Isthmus»

Vgusta 13, 115 km from the comet

12 Augusta, 103 km
Every day, 11 scientific instruments station "Rosetta" add new data into a common "pot" of information. However, the best results in the study of comets can be achieved only after the landing of the probe Philae. Looking forward to November, although prior to this date, astronomers will be able to surprise us again and again.
Via esa
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/233599/
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