ESA experts selected primary and alternate landing point for the probe Philae / Rosetta comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko
Not so long ago Habré to publish news that the European Space Agency experts selected five points on the body of the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko, as a possible landing sites for the probe Philae. It is worth recalling that the probe is still inside the Space Station Rosetta, Philae and the landing is scheduled for November 11.
Today experts ESA otpraportovali about choosing the main platform for landing on a comet. This area became a variant J ( all options anonsnoy marked on the pictures).
The main site J i>
Site was chosen unanimously supported by all experts. Needless to say, was chosen and alternative site (it was the point C), at which the probe will land, if something goes wrong with the site J. surface area C is not very smooth and has a funnel, and convexity and other elements.
It is worth noting that the main area is located in the "head" of the comet - its smaller part, and an alternative point of landing - on the "body", most of the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Scientists had to choose between two (or rather, even more) evils, since none of the sites are 100% does not fit the criteria that experts declared earlier.

The main site with detailed 1, 2 meters per pixel. The photo was taken on August 20 at a distance of 67 kilometers i>
of the station on the Rosetta background with comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko, i>
In point J probe can access the ancient comet material that after a detailed analysis, will allow scientists to get more information about the process of formation of comets, and the entire solar system as a whole.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/236893/
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