Make Money with fitness tracker to $ 240 per year (if you have an American insurance)

Fitness Tracker Misfit i>
Необычный Alliance concluded American Insurance Company Oscar Health Insurance and manufacturer of fitness trackers Misfit. Since January, each insured client Oscar Health Insurance is able to earn $ 20 a month ($ 240 per year), carrying out a given norm for him to distance traveled.
Unfortunately, the award is not given in cash and gift-cards Amazon, and even such income does not pay for the cost of insurance, but still it is quite unusual and pleasant offer. At the very least, a fitness tracker becomes not a toy spoiled hipster-digerati, and source of real income. In other words, in terms of financial management, it is instantly transformed from a liability into an asset.
Under the program, Oscar Misfit, a person must at least 20 days per month and the set distance computer (well, if you have one athlete, you can try to hang gadget on it).
On the one hand, looks like fun - the program sets a goal and pays the money, and the king of beasts runs and jumps on her team, like a trained mouse, hoping to get a piece of cheese. It looks like some sort of cyberpunk, where computers gently guide people's actions.
On the other hand, everything is logical. In principle, the program is similar to the one that has long been used in many car insurance. Car owners agree to install in their cars "bugs" from insurance companies - and get a discount. In turn, the company goes information on accidents and violations of rules that makes the driver. This "bug" disciplined driver and forces him to drive carefully.
Accustomed to physical stress, fewer people sick and go to the doctor. Walking improves blood pressure, normalize weight and is good for the psyche. Accordingly, the client saves not only your health, but also the money the insurance company.
In the future, fitness tracker, probably, be able to collect and transmit to the insurance company information about the patient's health: heart rate and pressure. Such statistics will more accurately assess the risks of various diseases in the future - and, consequently, more precisely calculate the cost of insurance. (But human rights activists, advocates of privacy, just to be in shock.)
Founded in 2013, the insurance company Oscar Health Insurance is trying to use data mining and other innovative technologies. The company raised $ 155 million from venture capital investment funds, which are usually funded by the dot-com and not medical startups.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/242781/
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