Strange creatures caught oceanographers from the water
I think it is no secret that mankind knows more about the surface of the moon than the bottom of the Mariana Trench.
Ocean floor holds many secrets that sometimes surprised scientists. Here, for example, recently a group of scientists who have studied the life of sperm whales were caught this strange creature that at first sight seem more alien to the larva from the movie "Alien", rather than the creation of our planet.
According to preliminary data, it is - scaly "fish-dragon", which lives at depths: 200-1500 meters.
Ocean floor holds many secrets that sometimes surprised scientists. Here, for example, recently a group of scientists who have studied the life of sperm whales were caught this strange creature that at first sight seem more alien to the larva from the movie "Alien", rather than the creation of our planet.
According to preliminary data, it is - scaly "fish-dragon", which lives at depths: 200-1500 meters.