"Meeting Place" Already 35
Honestly, I myself have not seen the entire movie ever. Even his scenes completely and not found even once - always hit or end or the middle. Regarding shooting themselves in LJ wrote a lot, you can click on the label "Meeting Place" and read everything.
23 fotootsyuda
Heeding your advice and went to Andrei Malakhov on a program dedicated to the 35th anniversary release of the series to the screen, and, in general, not regretted.
It was nice to meet their partners in the film, and although some have not seen all these years, I must say, they look fine.
Then I will try to write about them in detail, but for now just look photos taken superfotografom Larissa Kudryavtseva.
Vladimir Konkin - Sharapov.
Well, what is not Hollywood?) Only the red carpet was not enough ..)
Natasha Danilova - Varia Sinichkina.
35 years ago, with Sharapova on the bench in the Moscow "Hermitage" garden.
Tatyana Tkach - Anya, Fox's girlfriend.
- Fox asked me to convey to you his ring deeper zanykal. In search of it, "wet» ...
Arina Sharapova, Nikita Vysotsky, Svetlana Svetlichnaya
S.Svetlichnaya - the sister of the murdered Larisa Gruzdevaya
Svetlana Svetlichnaya, Andrew Castle (Kohl Taraskin), Nina Ozornina (barmaid at the restaurant «Astoria»).
Kohl Taraskin. Young isho ...)
- Anything else you would like, young man?
Nina Ozornina ..)
Natasha Krachkovskaya - singer in the movie theater.
"We were both:
- I - at the pharmacy ...
- And I was looking for you in the movies.
So, tomorrow,
Ha the same place at the same hour! »
Wonderful duet: Natasha Krachkovskaya and, alas, the late Valentin Kulik.
Nina Kornienko - Shura neighbor Sharapova
- Gleb, rodimenky, but where is it you'll find something gangster face ...
Black cat. Well, without it ..?)
After the filming of the program, I had another anniversary - the 100th performance "Decorator of love" that we Epple and Bledans played TSDKZH evening.
Celebrate with a group of friends went to a restaurant Writers' House, where, as the apotheosis, met Stanislav Govorukhin ...
23 fotootsyuda

Heeding your advice and went to Andrei Malakhov on a program dedicated to the 35th anniversary release of the series to the screen, and, in general, not regretted.

It was nice to meet their partners in the film, and although some have not seen all these years, I must say, they look fine.

Then I will try to write about them in detail, but for now just look photos taken superfotografom Larissa Kudryavtseva.

Vladimir Konkin - Sharapov.

Well, what is not Hollywood?) Only the red carpet was not enough ..)

Natasha Danilova - Varia Sinichkina.

35 years ago, with Sharapova on the bench in the Moscow "Hermitage" garden.

Tatyana Tkach - Anya, Fox's girlfriend.

- Fox asked me to convey to you his ring deeper zanykal. In search of it, "wet» ...


Arina Sharapova, Nikita Vysotsky, Svetlana Svetlichnaya

S.Svetlichnaya - the sister of the murdered Larisa Gruzdevaya

Svetlana Svetlichnaya, Andrew Castle (Kohl Taraskin), Nina Ozornina (barmaid at the restaurant «Astoria»).

Kohl Taraskin. Young isho ...)

- Anything else you would like, young man?
Nina Ozornina ..)

Natasha Krachkovskaya - singer in the movie theater.

"We were both:
- I - at the pharmacy ...
- And I was looking for you in the movies.
So, tomorrow,
Ha the same place at the same hour! »
Wonderful duet: Natasha Krachkovskaya and, alas, the late Valentin Kulik.

Nina Kornienko - Shura neighbor Sharapova

- Gleb, rodimenky, but where is it you'll find something gangster face ...

Black cat. Well, without it ..?)

After the filming of the program, I had another anniversary - the 100th performance "Decorator of love" that we Epple and Bledans played TSDKZH evening.

Celebrate with a group of friends went to a restaurant Writers' House, where, as the apotheosis, met Stanislav Govorukhin ...