Tutankhamen, the son of a brother and sister. The lame, the sick, effeminate
Gold legendary tomb of Tutankhamun is the sense of grandeur and omnipotence. The mask is made of carefully precious metal, recreates the human face of the beautiful, strong-willed with the right features. But the latter, the most detailed analysis of the remains of Pharaoh showed that he possessed neither attractive body nor flawless face.
Scientists said that the results of recent analyzes of Tutankhamun toed on one foot, his wide - almost feminine - hip ridiculous complements its thin body, and the person of the king was spoiled upper teeth, which greatly protruded.
Experts believe that the young ruler walk, leaning on a cane.
Also, a "virtual autopsy" performed thanks to modern computer technology, consider the results of genetic analyzes of Pharaoh, and other family members. Analysis confirmed that the young ruler could indeed be a son and siblings. In this case, Tutankhamun could suffer from severe hormonal disruptions, which explains the unbalanced structure of the body, as well as early death.

Scientists said that the results of recent analyzes of Tutankhamun toed on one foot, his wide - almost feminine - hip ridiculous complements its thin body, and the person of the king was spoiled upper teeth, which greatly protruded.
Experts believe that the young ruler walk, leaning on a cane.
Also, a "virtual autopsy" performed thanks to modern computer technology, consider the results of genetic analyzes of Pharaoh, and other family members. Analysis confirmed that the young ruler could indeed be a son and siblings. In this case, Tutankhamun could suffer from severe hormonal disruptions, which explains the unbalanced structure of the body, as well as early death.