The girl with the stretched lip
Australian filmmaker Abraham Joffe (Abrahem Joffe) is a big fan of Guinness World Records. So when he accidentally met a girl named Atay Aligidagne (Ataye Eligidagne), he immediately thought about the record.
The fact that the Australian film crew travels to East Africa, where they filmed a documentary. During his stay in Ethiopia, Abraham and collided with Atay. She is only 20 years old and her lip can legitimately be entered into the Guinness Book of Records. Will representatives of publications go to this place, is not yet clear. However, even if it happens later, given the fact that the girl is only 20 years, a record can be broken as it repeatedly. The diameter of the disc in the lip is 19, 5 cm, and the length of its circumference - 59, 5 cm. For the fair sex in Ethiopia, this disc is considered a kind of a matter of pride.

The fact that the Australian film crew travels to East Africa, where they filmed a documentary. During his stay in Ethiopia, Abraham and collided with Atay. She is only 20 years old and her lip can legitimately be entered into the Guinness Book of Records. Will representatives of publications go to this place, is not yet clear. However, even if it happens later, given the fact that the girl is only 20 years, a record can be broken as it repeatedly. The diameter of the disc in the lip is 19, 5 cm, and the length of its circumference - 59, 5 cm. For the fair sex in Ethiopia, this disc is considered a kind of a matter of pride.